Estimated historical time and its geological significance for Furong cave to evolve and form
Graphical Abstract
The historical time for Furong cave to evolve and form is estimated by the meterage of the height of Furong cave and ancient water surface of Furong river.With the help of neighbouring area's uplift rate and isotope age of speleothems in Furong cave,which is approximately 120~180 ka.This means the process for Furong cave to evolve and form is not neglectable compared with the needed time (160ka) forspeleothems to form and proves obviously the two stages exist during the cave's evolution.It must be cautious to substitute the whole historical process of the formation of Furong cave with the isotope age of speleothems.The inverse uplift rate of this area confirmed ulteriorly Yangtze platform and Qinghai-Tibet plateau have the same driving mechanism but with different velocity,and the former is highly faster than the latter.At the same time,the uplift trend of Yangtze platform is analysed and it is reckoned that the margin is characterized by a slower velocity but the interior by a higher one.