Effect and Analysis of Searching for Bauxite Deposit Using Transient Electromagnetic Method
Graphical Abstract
Bauxite belongs to the weathering deposit and occurs in unconformity of weathering crust of ordovician limestone.Bing affected by such factors eas deposition environment and denudation degree,the ore are enriched in the low-lying parts of the weat hering crust.The elect rical charact eristic of the oreis high-resistivity,quite close to the lower part of the limest one electrical character istics.Sousing electrical exploration to find such deposits is not adire method.Transient electromag netic(TEM)is one of effective methods to find metal ore of low-resistivity,but the fault is weak to be recognized on high-resistivity target.This is particularly true in the situation that the high-resistivity target is covered by alowresistivity body.Weibei bauxite was chosen for experiment.Based on the profile of TEM,geoelectric model,characteristics of decay curves,and resistivity section,we have divided interface of limestone and inferred orerich site.The drilling data shows that the method is feasible in searching metal mining areas.