Search Direction and Technical Method of Continental Combustible Ice in Qinghai
Graphical Abstract
The combustible ice is a kind of new clean energy,and its exploration and development is of great practical significance.We have been engaged in the long-term exploration of coal geology,and are very familiar with the Jurassic Age coal-bearing basin in the Mid-Qilian Area.Based on the three main conditions for the formation,we pointed out the direction of searching for the terrestrial combustible ice in Qinghai province:the main body should be the Jurassic Age coal-bearing basin in the Mid-Qilian Area,and the second is the Wuli Basin in South Qinghai.The combustibleice mainly exists in the int erlayer between the permanent and the non-permanent frozen layers of the middle synclinal structure in these coal field areas.The method of searching for the combustible ice are mainly geophysical technology,well drilling and exploration etc.Because the combustibleice layers are completely covered up by the permafrost,the geophysical prospecs are very important for searching the combustible ice in earlier stage.So,we think the direct-current elect ricity sound in the geophy sical prospecting is of better effect.