Metallogenic Characteristics of Yundukala Co Deposit in Northern Margin of Junggar Metallogenic Belt, Northwest China
Graphical Abstract
Cobalt is global strategic critical minerals, which is of great strategic significance to the national economy, national security, and technological development. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen the study of cobalt mineralization regularity, to develop efficient exploration technology, and to search the new continuous resources. The cobalt resources stemed mainly from by-product smelt Cu and Ni from magmatic sulfide deposits in China, independent cobalt deposit not found. The Yundukala cobalt deposit from northern margin of Junggar metallogenic belt is newly discovered in China. The paper preliminary think that cobalt accumulation on the contact zone between diorite and basalt, at the same time, structural broken belt, the distribution of cobalt minerlization is made along both sides of the NW–SE fracture, it shows a typical combination of cabalt, copper and gold, and belongs to magmatic hydrothermal type deposit. Moreover, there developing many contact parts diorite and basalt along both sides of NW-SE fracture in Yundukala peripheral area, they have advantageous metallogenic conditions of cobalt deposits, and showing great prospecting potential. The paper intends to research metallogenic regularity and mineralization characteristics by Yundukala cobalt. This work could reveal the metallogenic potential of cobalt mineral resources, determine new prospecting targets, support the strategic mineral prospecting operations, and enhance the ability to ensure the safe supply of cobalt mineral resources in China.