Geological Conditions and Prospecting Potential of Ag-Pb Mineralizationin Xiangjiawugang Area of Ngola Mountain, Qinghai
Graphical Abstract
The survey area is located in Xiangjiawugang area of Xinghai County, Qinghai Province, which is belonged to Ngola Mountain metallogenic belt. Through carrying out the 1:50000 geological mapping, five Ag,Pb and Zn deposits or mineralization have been found newly in this area, which mainly occurin the upper Triassic Elashan Formation(T3e)and middle or lower Triassic Hongshuichuan Formation(T1-2h3), with the mineralization type of continental volcanic type and the ore-controlling structure of NE faults. Two hydroxyl anomalies have been found newly through extracting and interpreting the 1:50000 remote sensing anomaly in this survey area,whose number is YC-15 and YC-16.One B2 magnetic anomaly has been discovered in this survey area through 1:50000 high-precision measurement,whose number is DC-2013-010. Two Ag or Pbgeochemical anomalies have been discovered in this survey area through 1:50000 stream sediment survey,whose numbers is HS乙138Ag(AuAsSnPbZn) and HS甲235Pb(ZnCdAgAuMoCu). Through the prospecting work, combined with comparative study, it's found that the good Ag-Pb ore-forming geological conditions and prospecting potential exist in Xiangjiawugang area of Ngola Mountain, Xinghai County, Qinghai Province.