ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution in the Central Taiyue Mountain: Constraints from Apatite Fission Track Analysis

    • 摘要: 应用磷灰石裂变径迹年代学方法研究太岳山脉中段构造隆升与剥露过程,这对于进一步认识华北地块构造演化过程具有重要的意义。结果表明:太岳山脉中段自中侏罗世末期以来经历了持续隆升剥露过程,并受到了热事件的影响。模拟结果显示,太岳山脉中段中生代—新生代共经历了4期快速隆升剥露:165~112 Ma、103~85 Ma、80~50 Ma及28 Ma以来。样品裂变径迹年龄与海拔高程呈正相关关系,隆升速率为8.4 m/Ma。剥蚀速率从早白垩世晚期以来的14.9~18.1 m/Ma逐渐增加到始新世以来的50.5~64.7 m/Ma,太岳山脉中段早白垩世晚期以来的隆升过程具有多期性,总体上呈加速隆升的特点。太岳山脉中段中生代—新生代的隆升史与太行山、吕梁山等山西地块的同期演化史具有一定的一致性,与汾渭裂谷系的快速沉降相耦合。


      Abstract: In order to shed light on the tectonic evolution processes of the north China block, we applied apatite fission track thermochronology method to the central Taiyue Mountain as a major mountain range in Shanxi massif. The results reveal that since the late middle Jurassic the central Taiyue Mountain experienced a pulsed uplift and exhumation at shallow crustal levels, which could be summarized as four rapid uplift and exhumation stages at 165~112 Ma, 103~85 Ma, 80~50 Ma and since ~28 Ma. These fission track ages show a positive correlation with the altitude, and the exhumation rate is estimated as ~8.4 m/Ma. The denudation rate increases gradually from 14.9~18.1 m/Ma since the late early Cretaceous to 50.5~64.7 m/Ma since the Eocene, reflecting the episodic and accelerated uplift and exhumation of the central Taiyue Mountains since the late Early Cretaceous. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic uplift history of the central Taiyue Mountain has a certain consistency with the evolution history of the Taihang Mountain, Lüliang Mountain in Shanxi massif, which is also coupled with the rapid subsidence of the Fenwei rift valley.


