ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    • 中文核心期刊
    • CSCD收录期刊
    • 中国科技核心期刊
    • Scopus收录期刊


李培月, 梁豪, 杨俊岩, 田艳, 寇晓梅

李培月,梁豪,杨俊岩,等. 基于GM(1,1)与BP神经网络模型的西安市地下水位动态特征及趋势预测研究[J]. 西北地质,xxxx,x(x): x−xx. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2024118
引用本文: 李培月,梁豪,杨俊岩,等. 基于GM(1,1)与BP神经网络模型的西安市地下水位动态特征及趋势预测研究[J]. 西北地质,xxxx,x(x): x−xx. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2024118
LI Peiyue,LIANG Hao,YANG Junyan,et al. Dynamic Characteristics and Trend Prediction of Groundwater Level in Xi’an City, China Based on GM (1, 1) and BP Neural Network Models[J]. Northwestern Geology,xxxx,x(x): x−xx. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2024118
Citation: LI Peiyue,LIANG Hao,YANG Junyan,et al. Dynamic Characteristics and Trend Prediction of Groundwater Level in Xi’an City, China Based on GM (1, 1) and BP Neural Network Models[J]. Northwestern Geology,xxxx,x(x): x−xx. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2024118


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目课题“土壤–地下水污染时空演化规律及主控因子”(2023YFC3706901)、国家自然科学基金面上项目“大型灌区地下水多场协同作用下典型农业污染物迁移转化机制研究”(42472316)联合资助。


  • 中图分类号: P641

Dynamic Characteristics and Trend Prediction of Groundwater Level in Xi’an City, China Based on GM (1, 1) and BP Neural Network Models

  • 摘要:



    Groundwater is exteremely important in arid and semiarid regions, and the core of its effective protection and rational utilization lies in accurate prediction and evaluation of groundwater dynamics, based on which protection, utilization, and planning strategies are formulated. Based on groundwater level monitoring data from 2010 to 2020 in Xi'an City, this study systematically analyzed the inter-annual and intra-annual dynamic changes in groundwater levels, investigated the main factors influencing groundwater dynamics, and conducted a correlation analysis using SPSS on the two primary factors affecting groundwater dynamics: precipitation and extraction volume. Furthermore, the study utilized the GM (1,1) grey prediction model and the BP neural network model to forecast the trend of groundwater level changes. The results indicate that: ① From 2010 to 2016, the groundwater level showed an overall decreasing trend. However, from 2016 to 2020, due to the yearly reduction in extraction volume and continuous optimization and improvement of water supply facilities, the groundwater level exhibited a rising trend. ② Both precipitation and human extraction significantly impact the groundwater level fluctuations in Xi'an. The depth of the groundwater level is a crucial factor determining the degree of influence from precipitation, with river floodplains being the most sensitive, followed by terraces, and loess plateaus showing the weakest response. The correlation between groundwater extraction volume and groundwater depth is stronger, highlighting its dominant role in regulating groundwater level dynamics. ③ Groundwater level predictions suggest that as groundwater extraction continues to decline annually, the overall groundwater in the study area is on a fluctuating upward trend. This study has conducted research on the influencing factors and prediction trends of groundwater dynamics in Xi'an, which has important reference value for groundwater resource management and sustainable development.

  • 各玛龙银多金属矿位于青海省海西州都兰县境内,矿区中心点坐标为35°42′00″N,98°42′00″E,位于那更康切尔大型银矿以南10 km处。自2016年以来,矿区开展了银多金属矿找矿工作,共圈出了8条含矿蚀变带,27条银多金属矿体,成因为浅成低温热液型,但成矿物质和热液来源一直未查明(张先超等,2017王婧等,2020)。以往通过1/1万地磁测量,在矿区东南角圈定一处正负相伴的椭圆状磁异常M1,含矿蚀变带围绕M1磁异常呈环状分布,但磁异常与成矿关系未查明(裴有生等,2021)。本文主要是结合地物化资料的综合分析,来分析M1磁异常起因及其找矿潜力。

    各玛龙银多金属矿地处青海都兰县热水乡西南约120 km处,处于东昆仑成矿带的东段(图1任家祺等,2019薛长军等,2019)。区域上分布着那更康切尔大型银矿床、坑德弄舍大型多金属矿床、以及尕芝麻金矿点、叶陇沟金矿点等,成矿地质条件优越(杨涛等,2017国显正等,2019徐崇文等,2020秦阳等,2020谢升浪等,2020a, 2020b谷子成等,2021)。

    图  1  各玛龙矿区大地构造位置图(薛长军等,2019
    Figure  1.  Geotectonic location map of Gemalong mining area


    图  2  各玛龙矿区地质简图(裴有生等,2021
    1.第四系;2.鄂拉山组砂岩;3.鄂拉山组英安岩;4.鄂拉山组流纹岩;5.鄂拉山组晶屑凝灰岩;6.鄂拉山组安山岩;7.鄂拉山组火山角砾岩;8.早三叠世二长花岗岩;9.早三叠世钾长花岗岩;10.早三叠世花岗闪长岩;11.早三叠世花岗斑岩;12.晚三叠世花岗闪长斑岩;13.矿(化)体类型及编号;14. 钻孔位置及编号;15.断层;16. 1∶1万地磁异常(M1)
    Figure  2.  Geological sketch map of Gemalong mining area
    图  3  各玛龙矿区主要岩性显微镜下照片
    Figure  3.  Micrograph of the main lithology in Gemalong mining area



    矿区已圈出8条含矿蚀变带,其中Ⅰ-Pb、Ⅱ-AgAuPb、Ⅲ-AgAuCuPbZn、Ⅳ-PbZn、Ⅵ-AgAu位于M1磁异常西侧,Ⅴ-PbAgAu、Ⅶ-Cu、Ⅷ-AuAg位于M1磁异常内,围绕M1磁异常由外至内存在低中温-中高温的成矿分带性,其中Ⅶ-Cu矿带位于M1磁异常中心位置,其含矿岩性为花岗闪长斑岩,圈出1条厚14.4 m的Cu矿化体,Cu平均品位为0.15%,最高品位为0.36%;Ⅲ-AgAuCuPbZn矿带为本区银金主矿带,控制长达1.5 km,控制斜深达600 m,厚60 m,含矿岩性为构造角砾岩,围岩为二长花岗岩和花岗斑岩。

    矿区共圈出27条银多金属矿体,主要矿种为银,伴生矿种主要有金、铜、铅、锌。矿体呈脉状,长为68~1050 m,厚为0.65~5.69 m,控制斜深120~600 m,Au品位为0.86×10−6~3.79 ×10−6,平均品位为0.86×10−6;Ag品位为45.3×10−61120×10−6,平均品位为326×10−6;Pb品位0.3%~3.52%,平均品位为0.42%;Zn品位为0.53%~2.86%,平均品位为0.65%;Cu品位为0.21%~1.72%,平均品位为0.37%。


    图  4  各玛龙矿区主要矿石显微镜下照片
    Figure  4.  Microscopic photographs of the main ores in Gemalong mining area


    图  5  各玛龙矿区围岩蚀变照片
    Figure  5.  Photographs of wall rock alteration in Gemalong mining area

    经吉林大学孙丰月团队等学者对M1磁异常西侧Ⅲ-AgAuCuPbZn矿带分析研究,认为矿床成因为浅成低温热液型,矿床形成主要受近南北向构造控制,成矿以Ag、Au、Cu、Pb、Zn为主,主成矿温度分布在134.2~204.3 ℃,成矿深度为1.34~2.28 km,成矿热液以岩浆热液为主并伴随有大气降水的参与,其物质来源于晚三叠世陆相火山-岩浆作用(张先超等,2017王婧等,2020)。



    表  1  各玛龙地区磁性参数特征一览表
    Table  1.  List of magnetic parameter characteristics in Gemalong mining area
    岩性 磁化率κ范围 (10−6×4π·SI) 磁化率κ平均值 (10−6×4π·SI) 剩磁范围Jr (10−3A/m) 剩磁Jr平均值 (10−3A/m)
    英安岩 32.71~1061.65 261.48 5.85~350.42 85.2
    安山岩 2.17~112.31 43.26 1.33~439.35 84.18
    二长花岗岩 6.77~31.50 31.50 4.49~67.19 16.19
    流纹岩 0.22~48.73 23.09 3.73~16.25 7.45
    闪长岩 13.57~86.26 13.57 4.39~22.23 8.09
    火山角砾岩(岩芯) 2.87~24.71 11.54 1.70~12.52 6.28
    晶屑凝灰岩 13.03~81.39 39.21 3.53~16.95 9.35
    花岗斑岩 5.2~41.19 22.01 4.88~12.09 8.90
    银金矿石 0.12~33.76 18.69 4.43~15.55 9.56
    花岗闪长斑岩 384.36~931.06 512.48 1.63~27.81 11.63
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    表  2  钻孔岩芯磁性参数特征一览表
    Table  2.  List of magnetic parameter characteristics in Drill
    岩性 位置 标本数(块) 磁化率κ范围 (10−6×4π·SI)
    最小值 最大值 平均值
    QZ003钻孔34.35~96.3 m 11 302.39 1209.58 621.79
    碎裂岩 QZ003钻孔96.3~103.65 m 7 177.46 651.74 322.4
    晶屑凝灰岩 QZ003 11.74~14.45, 103.65~140 m 17 28.57 473.49 207.39
    火山角砾岩 QZ002 20.35~80 m 32 177.46 651.74 322.4
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    M1磁异常为一椭圆状磁异常,长轴轴向为近东西向,长约1500 m,宽约1300 m。异常正值区基本上在南部,负值区在北部,ΔTmax为490 nT,ΔTmin为−275 nT(图6)。磁异常北部负值区地表岩性为鄂拉山组晶屑凝灰岩、二长花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩,正值区地表岩性为鄂拉山组安山岩、流纹岩,此两种岩性的磁性均较弱,均不足以引起如此规模异常,推测磁性体有一定的埋深和规模。

    图  6  各玛龙矿区M1磁异常ΔT等值线图
    Figure  6.  The ΔT isogram of M1 Magnetic Anomaly in Gemalong mining area

    根据已知磁性参数数据,对CP01磁法剖面进行二度半人机交互反演圈出6个磁性体(图7)。通过对1号和4号磁性体工程验证,1号反应Ⅴ-PbAuAg矿带,在黄铁绢英岩化带内圈定一铅矿体,含矿岩性及围岩为火山角砾岩(图8);4号反应Ⅶ-Cu矿带,在黄铁绢英岩化与泥化的混合带中圈定Cu矿化体,含矿岩性为花岗闪长斑岩,圈出5条铜(金)矿化体,总厚为14.4 m,Cu平均品位为0.15%,最高品位为0.36%(图9)。其余磁性体均未验证,其中2号磁性体规模、埋深较大,形态上呈一岩体状,截面积为66185 m2,长度为400 m,体积为26474082 m3,埋深>500 m,朝东陡倾,推测为隐伏岩体。

    图  7  CP01号磁测剖面拟合反演图
    Figure  7.  Magnetic profile fitting inversion map of CP01.
    图  8  Ⅴ-Pb含矿蚀变带QZ002钻孔(a)和Ⅶ-Cu含矿蚀变带QZ003钻孔(b)剖面图
    Figure  8.  (a)The section of QZ002in the V-PbOre-bearing alteration zone and (b)the section of QZ003in the VII-Cu Ore-bearing alteration zone
    图  9  1∶5000激电中梯等值线图
    Figure  9.  The isogram of 1∶5000 Ip intermediate gradient

    从激电异常看,M1磁异常区内1∶5000激电异常整体呈为低阻高极化的面状异常特征,东侧未封闭,电阻率平均500 Ω·m,极化率平均6.8%,激电异常规模、形态均与磁异常套合,推测激电异常是隐伏岩体浅部的黄铁矿绢英岩化带的反映(图9)。

    从测深异常看,M1磁异常区经测量两条激电、可控源大地音频电磁测深综合剖面(DPM-1、DPM-2),激电异常均显示为低阻高极化,电阻率平均为500 Ω·m,极化率平均为6.8%,最高为11.2%;可控源大地音频电磁测深反应,深部隐伏一长为600 m,宽为400 m,深10001500 m的低阻体,形态上呈一岩体,现认为测深异常反应的是黄铁绢英岩化带,从低阻异常中心位置看,两条剖面低阻异常区对应较好,隐伏岩体向东埋深逐渐增大(图10)。

    图  10  DPM-1(a)、DPM-3地物(b)(激电中梯、可控源大地音频电磁测深)综合剖面图
    Figure  10.  (a) The Composite profile of DPM-1 and (b) DPM-3 (Ip intermediate gradient\Controlled source magnetotelluric sounding)


    图  11  1∶5000土壤异常等值线图
    Figure  11.  The isogram of 1∶5000 Soil anomalies


    图  12  矿区成矿元素及蚀变分带平面(a)和剖面(b)示意图
    Figure  12.  (a)The plane and (b)sectionsketch map of Metallogenic elements and Alteration zoning in the mining area.




  • 图  1   研究区及监测点位置图

    Figure  1.   Location of study area and monitoring wells

    图  2   GM(1,1)灰色模型流程图

    Figure  2.   Flowchart interpreting the procedures of GM (1,1) Grey Model setup

    图  3   BP神经网络原理图

    Figure  3.   Schematic diagram of BP neural network

    图  4   BP神经网络流程图

    Figure  4.   Flowchart showing the procedures of BP neural network establishment

    图  5   2010~2020年降水量、开采量与地下水位平均埋深

    Figure  5.   Precipitation, groundwater abstraction, and average groundwater level depth from 2010 to 2020

    图  6   不同年份降水量和地下水位月变化曲线

    a. 2011年 (丰水年);b. 2016年 (枯水年)

    Figure  6.   Monthly variation of precipitation and groundwater level in different years

    图  7   地下水埋深预测结果与变化趋势图

    Figure  7.   Prediction results and trend of groundwater depth

    表  1   2010~2020年西安市降水、开采和地下水位埋深情况表

    Table  1   Precipitation, groundwater extraction, and groundwater level depth in Xi'an City from 2010 to 2020

    年份 降水量(mm) 降水量变幅(mm) 开采量(亿m3 地下水位埋深(m)
    2010 819 33 6.24 15.15
    2011 1002 216 6.01 14.42
    2012 659 −127 6.23 15.05
    2013 656 −130 6.37 15.48
    2014 802 16 9.57 15.11
    2015 779 −7 10.01 15.36
    2016 656 −130 10.26 15.99
    2017 823 37 10.26 15.57
    2018 728 −58 10.37 15.56
    2019 910 124 10.05 15.44
    2020 809 23 9.49 15.23
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    表  2   降雨量变幅、开采量变幅与地下水位埋深相关性分析表

    Table  2   Correlation of rainfall, groundwater extraction, and mean groundwater level depth

    变量 降雨量 开采量 地下水位埋深
    降雨量 1
    开采量 −0.176 1
    地下水位埋深 −0.673* 0.843** 1
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    表  3   地下水开采量灰色预测模型检验

    Table  3   Verification of groundwater extraction estimation using grey model

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    表  4   2025~2035年地下水开采量预测结果(亿m3

    Table  4   Prediction results of groundwater extraction from 2025 to 2035 (108 m3)

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    表  5   BP网络模型预测精度

    Table  5   Accuracy of BP network model prediction

    年份 水位实测值(m) BP网络模型
    预测值(m) 相对误差(%)
    2010 15.15 14.7656 −1.903
    2011 14.42 15.2047 −1.807
    2012 15.05 15.1268 0.086
    2013 15.48 15.1425 −1.443
    2014 15.11 15.2049 −4.906
    2015 15.36 14.7576 −5.196
    2016 15.99 15.2013 −2.273
    2017 15.57 14.7323 −4.558
    2018 15.56 15.1060 −0.805
    2019 15.44 15.0458 −2.553
    2020 15.23 14.8329 −2.607
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-10-30
  • 修回日期:  2024-12-03
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  • 网络出版日期:  2024-12-24


