ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Geological Relics Characteristics and Preliminary Idea for Constructing World Geo-park in Yan'an

    • 摘要: 延安地处黄土高原腹地,黄河中游,富集发育了类型多样的地质遗迹资源。在现场调查和综合研究的基础上,将延安地质遗迹划分为黄土层型剖面、黄土地貌景观、黄河蛇曲群、黄土丹霞等为典型代表的3大类7类12个亚类。这些地质遗迹资源分布相对集中,具有极高的科学研究价值和黄土高原独有的景观美学特征,在世界范围内具有独特性、典型性和对比意义。延安丰富的地质遗迹与革命圣地的厚重人文历史、自然生态系统三者和谐共生,相互辉映,全方位展示了黄土高原最为典型的自然和人文特色。经分析论证,认为延安建设世界地质公园条件具备,机遇成熟,影响深远,效应显著,并提出建设延安地质公园的构想和推荐方案,并希冀尽快启动相关申报和建园工作。


      Abstract: Yan'an area is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and the central region of the Loess Plateau, where developed various types of geological relics. On the basis of field investigations and comprehensive analysis, the authors classify the geological heritage resources in Yan'an area (e.g., loess strata profile, loess landscapes, river bends of the Yellow River, the Great Waterfall of the Yellow River, the Loess Danxia and the first well of onshore petroleum, etc) into 3 major groups, 7 types and 12 sub-types. These geological heritage resources are distributed in relatively intensive area, and they have great scientific research value and unique landscape aesthetic characteristics in Loess Plateau, even all over the world. Yan'an is also the cradle of Chinese civilization, with brilliant culture and magnificent folk customs. The wonderful geo-heritages of Yan'an have coexisted harmoniously with human resources and ecosystems. Based on the urgent need for the protection, development and utilization of geoheritage resources in Yan'an, it is of great significance to declare and construct Yan'an World Geopark. It is also noted that to constructing Yan'an World Geopark already has the necessary conditions, mature opportunities, far-reaching impact and remarkable effects. Finally, the application of Yan'an for a World Geopark should be started as soon as possible.


