ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Characteristics of Host Sandbody and Its Uranium Metallogenic Potential of the Upper Member of Yimin Formation in Bei'er Depression, Hailar Basin

    • 摘要: 在海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷中部,发育一套规模较大的稳定骨架砂体。研究表明该砂体属于下白垩统伊敏组上段纵向辫状河流相,埋深一般为200~500 m,总厚度为50~150 m,单层厚度在5 m以上,横向上连通性好。砂岩岩性主要为砂砾岩、中粗砂岩,其次为细砂岩,结构疏松,透水性良好,岩屑含量高,成分和结构成熟度偏低,为岩屑砂岩;其ZTR指数为25%~52%,含较多不稳定重矿物,均反映出近物源沉积的特点。砂岩的黏土矿物以蒙脱石含量高、高岭石含量很少为典型特征,碳屑和黄铁矿较少,指示偏碱性水体环境;原生砂岩U含量、有机碳、全硫及Eh的平均值分别为4.91×10-6、0.08%、0.03%和16.25mV,表明砂体内部铀源较好,但自身还原容量偏低,聚铀能力相对不足。目前,已发现铀矿化主要产于黄色层间氧化带两侧的灰色砂体中,平米铀量为0.03~0.38 kg/m2,具有厚度薄、品位低、规模小的特征。通过综合分析,认为该骨架砂体具备较好的层间氧化铀成矿潜力。


      Abstract: large-scale stable host sandbodies were discovered in the central Bei'er depression of Hailar Basin。The sandstone belonged to the longitudinal braided fluvial facies of the upper Yimin Formation in Low Cretaceous.It was at 200~500 m deep, and the whole thickness ranged from 50 m to 150m with a single being 5m. The lithology was composed mainly of glutenite and mediumcoarse sands followed of fine sandstone.The sandstone shows loose structure,excellent permeability, high debris content and low maturity of composition and structure.The ZTR index of 25%~52% and the unstable heavy minerals indicated that the sandstone deposit was adjacent to the provenance area.The clay minerals were characterized by abund antmont morillonite and little kaolinite.Rare content of carbon chips and pyrite indicated the alkaline groundwater condition.The average values of uranium, organic carbon, total sulfur and △Eh in primary sandstone were 4.91×10-6, 0.08%, 0.03% and 16.25m vres pectively,suggesting that the reduction capacity of the internal uranium was low.Uranium mineralization mainly occurred in the gray sand bodies in both sides of the interlayer oxidation zone, with an average uranium content of 0.03~0.38kg/m2and the characteristics of low thickness,low grade and small scale.Through comprehensive analysis it is held that the host sandbody has a favorable metallogenic potential in interlayer oxidation uranium deposit.


