ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Research Status and Suggestions on Helium Resource Investigation Theory and Technology

    • 摘要: 氦气是关系国家安全和高新技术产业发展的重要关键性稀有气体资源,在国防和高新技术领域不可或缺,是中国进一步走向“深空、深海、深地、深蓝”领域重要的基础原材料。当前,氦气资源已成为中国的“卡脖子”资源之一,开展氦气资源调查理论与技术研究,指导和支撑中国氦气资源勘查,已成为中国资源调查领域最为紧迫的任务之一。目前工业利用的氦资源主要是壳源氦气,其“弱源成藏”与“异源同储”机制的特殊性,导致与常规油气成藏具有重大差别。笔者根据氦气资源调查理论与技术研究现状,结合氦气成藏的特殊性,提出了亟需攻关的理论、技术问题和相关研究思路建议,供业内工作者参考、借鉴。


      Abstract: Helium is an important strategic rare gas resource for national security and the development of high and new technology industries. It is essential for national defense and high technology, which is an indispensable raw material for China's further development in the fields of “deep space, deep sea, deep earth and deep blue”. At present, helium has become a “bottlenecks” resource in China. Theoretical and technical research on helium resource survey has become one of the most urgent tasks in the field of resource investigation in China to guide and support the investigation of helium resources in China. Industrial extraction of helium resources is currently primarily of crustal origin. Industrial extraction of helium resources is currently primarily of crustal origin. The special characteristics of the “weak source reservoir” and “multiple source co-storage” mechanisms lead to significant differences from conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. This article presents the theoretical and technical issues that need to be tackled and the relevant research proposals based on the current status of theoretical and technical research on helium resource investigation and the special characteristics of helium reservoir formation.


