ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The Metallogenic Rule of Mesozoic Hypogene Deposits in the Eastern Tianshan-Beishan Area

    • 摘要: 中生代是东天山—北山地区地壳演化过程中重要的构造转化阶段,也是一个重要的内生矿床成矿期,形成了一批重要的矿床和矿种。印支期内生成矿时间为250~210Ma,主要形成钨、钼、金、铅、锌、铌、钽、萤石、稀土、花岗岩、银、铼、铁、脉石英等矿床;燕山期内生成矿时间为180~150Ma,成矿规模比印支期小,主要形成钨、铌、钽、铅、锌、铜、金、锑、汞、硫铁矿、萤石、脉石英等矿床。从空间上看,东天山—北山4大成矿带均有分布,但以敦煌成矿区发现最多。成矿主要与岩浆活动和构造作用有关,矿床受岩体和断裂的控制较为明显,矿体赋存于岩体内部或周围碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩中。中生代内生成矿作用既是板内活动的产物,也是古特提斯洋、蒙古-鄂霍次克洋先后关闭的远程效应反映。


      Abstract: Mesozoic era, as a important phase of structure transformation during the crustal evolution of the eastern Tianshan-Beishan area, was a important metallization period of hypogene deposits when some important deposits and some important mineral commodities had been formed. The metallization ages of indosinian hypogene deposits ranged from 250Ma to 210Ma, when some mineral commodities had been formed such as Tungsten, Molybdenum, aurum, Lead, Znc, Niobium, Tantalum, Fluorspar, Rare earths, Granite, Argent, Rhenium, Iron and Gangquarz. The metallization ages of Yanshan hypogene deposits ranged from 180Ma to 150Ma, when some mineral commodities had been formed such as Tungsten, Niobium, Tantalum, Lead, Znc, Copper, Aurum,Stibimum, Hydragyrum, Troilite, Fluorspar and Gangquarz. These ore deposits extended all over the four metalogenic belts of the eastern Tianshants extended a. But the ones were the most in the Dunhuang metallogenic province. The mineralization was mainly in connection with the magmatic activity and the tectonic action. Most deposits were obviously dominated by the magmatic bodies and the faults, and main ore bodies occurred inside of the magmatic bodies or the clastic rock or carbonztite. It was not only the result of intraplate tectonic action, but also the far-ranging reflection of the magmatic intrusion which originated from the interlocking of Paleotecthys and Mongolia-Ehuocike ocean.


