ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    杨小萍, 刘桂侠, 马文杰. 层序地层学研究现状及发展趋势[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 16-20.
    引用本文: 杨小萍, 刘桂侠, 马文杰. 层序地层学研究现状及发展趋势[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 16-20.
    YANG Xiao-ping, LIU Gui-xia, MA Wen-jie. Current situation and developing tendency of sequence stratigraphy[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 16-20.
    Citation: YANG Xiao-ping, LIU Gui-xia, MA Wen-jie. Current situation and developing tendency of sequence stratigraphy[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 16-20.


    Current situation and developing tendency of sequence stratigraphy

    • 摘要: 层序地层学是建立在地震地层学、测井地质学、过程沉积学、古生物学、同位素地质学等多个学科基础上的研究等时年代地层格架中具有成因联系的、旋回岩性序列间相互关系的综合学科。它提供了一种沉积岩在三维空间的划分与对比分析的新方法,而不同于岩石地层对比原则,客观地恢复了沉积岩垂向叠置顺序和横向相关关系。本文分析了层序地层学的基本原理、控制因素等方面的最新认识,总结了层序地层学4大发展方向。


      Abstract: Sequence stratigraphy is based on seismic stratigraphy,loggeology,processo-sedimentary,paleozoology,iso tope geology and so on. It is a synthetical subject which mainly studies relations between relative lithological sequence and circled lithological sequence in chronoho rizon formation framework,and provides a new method by which division and correlatioon of sedimentary rock can be done in space. We can objectively build up vertical and lateral stack sequence of sedimentary rock with sequence stratigraphy.In the paper,the new estrecognization about basic principle and controlling factores of sequence stratigraphy is analysed.Moreover,the four developing tendencies of sequence stratigraphy a reprovided.


