ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    李继红, 陈清华. 孤岛油田馆陶组油层微型构造研究[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 54-58.
    引用本文: 李继红, 陈清华. 孤岛油田馆陶组油层微型构造研究[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 54-58.
    LI Ji-hong, CHEN Qing-hua. Study on micro-structure of Guantao formation in Gudao oil-field[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 54-58.
    Citation: LI Ji-hong, CHEN Qing-hua. Study on micro-structure of Guantao formation in Gudao oil-field[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 54-58.


    Study on micro-structure of Guantao formation in Gudao oil-field

    • 摘要: 通过孤岛油田油层微型构造图的编制和研究,将油层顶、底面微型构造归为8种配置模式。提出在生产动态因素一定的条件下,处于双凸型和以顶凸为主的单凸型正向微型构造有利于剩余油富集;而处于双凹为主的单凹型负向微型构造不利于剩余油富集。指出沉积条件、差异压实和沉积古地形是油层微型构造的主要因素。宏观构造背景对油层微型构造类型有一定的影响。


      Abstract: Researching and charting micro-structure maps in Gudao oil-field,the configuration models of micro-structure of surface-up and surface-down in a reservoir are classified into eight.Under definite condition of productlon factors,micro-structure with bi-convex and mono-convex on the surface-up is in favour of collecting residual oil,and micro-structure with bi-concawe and mono-concave on surface-up is in unfav our of it.Sedimentary condition,differential compaction and paleog eomorphic feature in sedimentation are mainly affecting factors of mini-structures,and macro-structural setting also affects the models of micro-structure.


