ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    谢正温, 李武平, 赵宏民, 温亚魁, 张摩西. 长庆油区提高延长统油层稳产水平的先导性试验——陶粒压裂井的效果[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 82-87.
    引用本文: 谢正温, 李武平, 赵宏民, 温亚魁, 张摩西. 长庆油区提高延长统油层稳产水平的先导性试验——陶粒压裂井的效果[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(2): 82-87.
    XIE Zheng-wen, LI Wu-ping, ZHAO Hong-ming, WEN Ya-kui, ZHANG Mo-xi. The ceramic proppant fracturing(CPF)pre-test for improving stabilized production of Low Cretaceous Yanchang group in Changqing oil-district--the effect evaluation[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 82-87.
    Citation: XIE Zheng-wen, LI Wu-ping, ZHAO Hong-ming, WEN Ya-kui, ZHANG Mo-xi. The ceramic proppant fracturing(CPF)pre-test for improving stabilized production of Low Cretaceous Yanchang group in Changqing oil-district--the effect evaluation[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(2): 82-87.


    The ceramic proppant fracturing(CPF)pre-test for improving stabilized production of Low Cretaceous Yanchang group in Changqing oil-district--the effect evaluation

    • 摘要: 长庆油区为解决低渗油田稳产问题,选择了一批井进行了高强度支撑剂压裂试验。本文对16口压裂井投产后的稳产效果进行了研究,得出该工艺适合的油层特点。


      Abstract: This article discusses Low-Cretaceous reservoir stabilizing production problems and main ideas as follows:to use high-tensile proppant improving proppant crushed problem, that the test-result of Changqing oilfield proved that it has improved well production higher than quarts sands.Especially,formost wells producing 2-3 years later,the effect is obvious.Before CPF(Ceramic Proppant Fracturing),we must study Yanchang group carefully and learn the reservoir character ization,such as permeability and poroisity,subsequently select some wells to fracture it.The results of pretest are well-demonst rable and suggest this technology can be expanded in all oilfields.


