The applications of decision support system in resources evaluation
摘要: 决策支持系统(DSS)是综合利用各种数据、信息、知识和模型技术,辅助决策者解决决策问题的人机交互系统。根据源岩与油气藏的空间组合关系建立模型,将盆地与油气藏模拟技术与决策支持系统的思想相结合建立资源评价系统,能将盆地模拟技术与地质描述技术有机结合起来,可以有效的避免纯正演模拟带来的偏差。Abstract: Using data,information,knowledge and model technology,Decision support system (DSS)can help the decision-makers to make a decision in their domain.According to the rela-tionships between the source rock and the reser voir,models can be set up.Based on DSS and basin modeling,a resources evaluation system can be build.