ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    杨建虎, 陈章玉, 王方正. 基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件新进展[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(3): 73-78.
    引用本文: 杨建虎, 陈章玉, 王方正. 基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件新进展[J]. 西北地质,2001,34(3): 73-78.
    YANG Jian-hu, CHEN Zhang-yu, WANG Fang-zheng. The implement of Web-based petrology-mineralogy data-processing system[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(3): 73-78.
    Citation: YANG Jian-hu, CHEN Zhang-yu, WANG Fang-zheng. The implement of Web-based petrology-mineralogy data-processing system[J]. Northwestern Geology,2001,34(3): 73-78.


    The implement of Web-based petrology-mineralogy data-processing system

    • 摘要: 基于Web(Word Wide Web万维网)平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件是按照浏览器/服务器的模式工作,即用户以客户端浏览器为计算平台,而计算的应用程序及数据库在服务器端运行.本文介绍了当前岩石矿物数据处理软件的发展现状,探讨了开发基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的实现方法及优越性,从而论证了建立基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的必要性和可行性


      Abstract: The Web-based petrolog mineralogy data processing system work in the mode of browser/server,the client computing platform is browser and the application and database run in the server This article introduce the present situation and trend of petrology minera logy data processing software and management system,and example of the implementation of Web-based Petrology dada processing program,and discusses the implementation method and advantage of developing Web-based petrolog y-mineralogy data-processing system,which provet he necessity and possibility of developing Web-based data-processing system.


