ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The geological features and genetic pattern of Te-Au deposit related to porphyry in North Qilian Mts

    • 摘要: 车路沟金矿床是北祁连山发现的首例与斑岩有关的碲-铋-金型矿床.金矿床成矿地质特征显示,矿床形成于岛弧火山期后次火山-深成中酸性侵入岩体中,直接赋存于浅成-超浅成英安斑岩内,其成矿背景为碰撞造山环境.矿床受区域断裂裂隙、同建造期古火山穹隆边缘继承性断裂裂隙,尤其受次火山岩体边缘节理、裂隙及接触破碎带控制.同位素研究资料显示,成矿流体δ18OH2O为-6.58‰~-2.30‰,δD为-58.2‰~-41.8‰,δ34S为-3.84‰~+3.20‰,δ13CPDB为-8.54‰~-1.32‰,盐度为9.37‰~11.83‰w(NaCl)eq,密度为0.982~1.006g/cm3,均一温度为137.6~199.4℃.成矿流体总特征为低温、低气相、中-高密度、并含有较高CO2的H2O-CO2-NaCl(KCl)体系.厘定了成岩年龄为427.7±4.5Ma,成矿年龄在350~410Ma.矿床是在岩体固结定位后,由深部岩浆房(源)分异出的富含Au、Te、Cu等成矿元素,CO2、SO2、H2O等挥发组分的岩浆热液沿控岩构造裂隙带上升,不断从沿途已固结的英安斑岩及围岩中萃取成矿物质,并与大量大气降水混合作用的产物.矿床成因类型属与斑岩有关的低温热液型碲金矿.


      Abstract: Chelugou gold deposit is the first Te-Bi-Au deposit related to porphyry found in North Qilian orogenic belt. The gold deposit forms in post-volcanic inter mediat e-acidic intrusive rocks of island arc, and directly occurs in hypabyssal-ultrahy pabyssal dacite-porphyry. The diagenetic age is 427.7±4.5 Ma, and the metallogenetic age is 350~410 Ma. The research indicates that the deposit could be produced by mixing with magmatic hydrothermal and at mospheric water. Af termagma positioning and solidifying, the magmatic hydrothermal differentiated from deep magma chamber (source) , riching in metallo genic elements of Au, Te, Cu and volatile components of CO2, SO2, H2O, ascends through tectonic fissures, mixed with at mospheric water, and constantly extracts ore-forming matter from solidified dacite-porphyry and adjoining rocks. Generally, the metallogenic fluid is a kind of low-temperature, less-vapor-phase, medium-high-density, higher-salinity H2O-CO2-NaCl (KCl) system. The genetic type of the depositis a hypabyssal epithermal Te-Au depositre-lated to porphyry.


