A new way of thinking for oil and gas explorationh from an oil-gas bearing system to the oil-gas pool-forming dynamics
摘要: 简要介绍了含油气系统研究的内容与方法并对其进行了客观评价,指出了其局限性.系统介绍了油气成藏动力学概念的产生、内涵和外延以及研究方法,比较了含油气系统和油气成藏动力学两大概念的关系.认为: ①油气成藏动力学是系统论和动力学理论与传统的石油地质学相结合并应用于我国复杂地质情况的必然产物. ②在含油气系统宏观思想指导下进行成藏动力学过程研究是高等石油地质理论发展的必然趋势.Abstract: In this paper, the research contents and methods on petroleum system are simply introduced and its localization is pointedout. After in troducing the history, connotation, extension and research methods of oil pool-forming dynamics, the relationship of above two concepts is discussed. Conclusions are drown as follows: ① oil-pool forming dynamics is combination of the system theory, dynamics and traditional petroleum geology and application in complicated geology backg round in China. ② Carrying out the research on oil-pool forming dynamic process guided by the petro leum system is an inevitable trend of advanced petroleum geology theory
- oil-pool forming dynamics /
- petroleum system /
- fluid passage system /
- fluid tracer
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