ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Analysis on soil erosion of the spoil debris in mine exploitation and environmental evaluating

    • 摘要: 各类矿山开发,都会大量扰动原始岩层,并且形成松散的废弃岩土体。矿山开发中形成的废弃土方、岩屑、矿渣等,就近倾倒在附近沟谷中,是一种很常见的现象。通过计算分析表明,这种处理废弃岩土的方式,将会造成严重的水土流失,不仅大量增加了河流的泥沙量,甚至引发泥石流,从而对矿山安全生产、河流下游人民生活以及矿区周边生态环境造成危害。笔者从理论上探讨了矿山开发松散岩土的冲蚀机理,同时给出了冲蚀量的计算方法。


      Abstract: In the various of mine exploitation sites,there are many loose debris and earth from strata. And it is a usual existing appearance that people throw the spoil,debris and earth to near river bed or in vally of gully. According to analyzing and calculating,this accumulation will lead to serious soil erosion,and usually forming debris flow,which can give rise to harm and disaster to mine development,surounding ecologic environment and people's life of lower reches On the basis of field investigation and with the maths,the erosion process of loose spoil and earth from mine exploitation on slope of river or in the vally has been analyzed,and a methed used to estimating total eroded quantity of those loose materials for environmental evaluating.


