The thrust nappe tectonics system and the metallogenic prediction of the Pb-Zn deposit in Huize, Yunnan
摘要: 确认了会泽Pb-Zn矿田逆冲推覆构造的存在。认为矿山厂、麒麟厂矿区构造为一双重逆冲推覆构造体系,由顶板逆冲断层与底板逆冲断层和夹于其间的一套叠瓦式逆冲断层和断层夹块组合而成。指出逆冲推覆断层引起的褶皱是控矿的主要构造。结合矿床地质特征及地球化学背景,指出了矿区深部及外围找矿方向。Abstract: The paper confirms that there exist of thrust nappe tectonics in Huize Pb-Zn deposit, and points out the thrust nappe tectonics consist of horses,roof thrust and sole thrust duplex in Kuangshanchang and Qilinchang mines And the folds derived from the thrust nappe fault is ore-control structure Combining with the deposit geocharacteristic and geochemical background, the deep and surrounding targets of the orebodies are indicated.