ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    On protection and development for geological vestige of the Hukou fall geoparks

    • 摘要: 重要的地质遗迹是国家的宝贵财富,是生态环境的重要组成部分。黄河壶口瀑布是我国最大的瀑布之一,其特有的侵蚀型、潜伏式黄色瀑布属世界罕见。黄河壶口瀑布位于华北板块南缘,鄂尔多斯地块的东南端,基底由太古代变质岩系构成,晋陕峡谷段主要出露三叠系中统纸坊组(T2z)和铜川组(T2t),产状近于水平(倾角3°~5°)。其构造运动以整体升降为主,地层有轻微的波状褶曲,并发育两组节理:一组走向为NE15°,基本顺河流谷底水流的流动方向;另一组走向为横跨河谷的NE70~80°方向。黄河壶口瀑布的形成与此背景有着密切的关系。在壶口瀑布漫长的形成、发展演化的过程中,遗留下了许多重要的地质遗迹景观,主要为河流、干河周边支流、面流、潜流等冲蚀形成的地貌景观,以及重力侵蚀、风力、水力综合侵蚀和特殊意义的地质遗迹,具有很强的典型性、科学性和观赏性及国际对比意义。作者分析了黄河壶口瀑布地质遗迹的类型及特点,提出了开发利用与保护地质遗迹的原则、设想及措施。


      Abstract: The geological vestiges are nonrenewable natural legacy, which are formed by endogenic and exogenic process. The important vestiges are not only the national valuable treasures, but also the necessary components of the ecological environment China is one of the minority countries, which rich in category, distribution and quantity of the geological vestiges. The Hukou fall, one of the biggest falls, is special in the corrosive and hiding in yellow fall, and rare in the world. It lies in the south edge of the North China plate and the southeast of the Ordos platform. Its basement is composed of Archaeozoic metamorphic rock.The Zhifang Group(T2z)and the Tongchuan Group(T2t)of the Triassic system strata emerge in Jinshaan gorge,its occurrence is nearly horizontal(the dip angel 3°~5°). The tectonic movement is mainly massive rise and fall,and the strata fold slightly.


