Characteristics and development counterplot for the geologic survey in the Northwest of China
摘要: 资源与环境是当今人类社会最为关注的两大热点问题,而地质学是贯穿于这两大主题的基础。西北地区地处大陆腹地,独特的地理位置、特殊的地质环境和长期的地质作用历史,形成了以中亚成矿特色为主的丰富的矿产资源。由于人类历史以来深居内陆的环境特点,并且随着人类活动的加剧日益造就了干旱-半干旱的缺水环境。开发大西北,矿产资源的有效发现和合理利用,以及对人类活动诱发或加剧的地质灾害的科学认识与防治,是新时期地质工作更加关注和拓宽的历史任务。实施地质大调查以来,西北地质调查工作全方位取得了新的进展,并展示了愈来愈广阔的应用天地。本文在回顾已有地质调查成果的基础上,对其发展对策提出初步思考,提出经济-地质关联概念,意在西北地区经济活动背景下,探讨地质调查工作的作用和发展方向。Abstract: Resou rces and environments are two major concerned hot spots at present,and geologic survey is the essential works of them.The Northwest of China,located deeply in the in land Asian continent,not only is rich in mineral resources with the characteristics of The Middle-Asianmeta llization,but also brought up the area a semiarid and water-deficien ten-vironmentas a result of long and complicated geologic evolution. During the new Exploring Northwest period in the following years,both the discoverying efficiently and exploring rea-sonably of mineral resources,and the recognizing and preventing scien tificall of geologic hazards that are induced and accelerated by human activities,should be the historical mission of the geologists. Since the new round of geologic surveying of national land and resources was put in to practice,the geologic investigation in the Northwest of China has achieved great progress in all a spects and shown broader application prospect.In this paper,counterp lots related to geologic investigations a reproposed on the basis of reviwing of the achievements acquired. Thus the idea of economy-geology is put forward for the purpose of discussing the in-fluence and deveoping trend of geoloic investigation under economic activity backg round of the Northwest.