Tectonic evolution of the Northern Qaidam basin during Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras
摘要: 柴达木盆地是中国西部一个大型中新生代沉积盆地,柴北缘是侏罗系主要分布地区。中新生代柴达木盆地是在一个古老的稳定地块基础上形成发展的,根据中新生代西北地区周缘板块活动和构造演化特点,提出柴北缘中新生代经历了两个由伸展到挤压的构造运动旋回:从早中侏罗世到晚侏罗世是第一个旋回;从早白垩世到晚白垩世-第三纪和第四纪为第二个旋回。早中侏罗世是一种稳定大陆内弱伸展坳陷盆地,不具有典型的裂陷盆地特征。从渐新世开始,柴达木盆地才进入强烈挤压的山间盆地阶段,并决定了柴北缘现今的构造格局。中、新生代构造运动影响着柴北缘油气的生成和分布。Abstract: Qaidam basin is one of the large Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins in the Northwestern China. The Jurassic system mainly occurs in the northern area of Qaidam basin. The basin developed on the pre-Jurassic cratonic basement. Based on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic setting of the Northwestern China, the Qaidam basin evolved twice from extension to compression during Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras with more and more weaker in extention and more and more intensively in compression. The prototype basin in Jurassic was a weakly extending depression;Begining Oligocene epoch,the basin was becoming in tensively compressed and the structure distribution framework today was formed. The Jurassic petroleum system of the Northern Qaidam basin was influenced by the tectonic evolution on the formation and distribution of the petroleum,and resulted in the better potential exploration in the Eocene strata and poor in the Jurassic strata.