Characteristics and genetic mechanism on structural conglomerate from Bayannuorigong area, Inner Mongolia
摘要: 通过巴彦诺日公地区1/5万地质填图和重点解剖研究,认为原1/20万区调中所划下元古界阿拉善群大部分岩石组合可与内蒙古中部地区色尔腾山岩群进行对比,且祖宗毛道组三段实际上是一套构造砾岩。在研究该砾岩宏观和微观特征的基础上,认为其形成机制为伸展机制下的构造拆离。Abstract: Based on the study of the 1:50000 geological mapping and field survey in some places, the rock groups of Proterozic Alashan Group that was mapped by 1:200000 geological survey in 1978 may be correlated the Neo-Archean Seertengshan Group in Middle Inner Mongolia,and the third bed of Zhuzhongmaodao formation is actually a series of structural conglomerate.After studying the macroscopic and microcosmic features,the authors discussed the genetic mechanism of the conglomerate.