ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    An experiment study on influence of subfault to petroleum migration and accumulation of Guantao Formation of Feiyantan area

    • 摘要: 在胜利油田飞雁滩地区馆陶组油气成藏地质综合研究的基础上,利用二维模型模拟了断层开启条件下,主断层充注量的大小与次生断层对馆陶组石油运移和聚集的影响。研究结果表明,次生断层对馆上段油气的聚集作用与对主断层的石油充注量密切相关。分3种情况:1当主断层充注量足够大时,相邻的次生断层两侧砂层中油的充注强度最大,最有利于次生断层两侧砂层中油的聚集;2当主断层充注量一般时,与主断层相邻,且有砂层与主断层相连的次生断层砂层中有油的聚集;3当主断层充注量较小时,相邻的次生断层两侧的砂层中基本不含油,不利于砂层中油的聚集。这对解释飞雁滩地区馆陶组与次生断层有关的油气成藏具有十分重要的意义。


      Abstract: Based on the geological study of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in reservoir of Guantao Fm.of Feiyantan area in Shengli Oil Field, influence of main fault' injection amount and subfault to petroleum migration and accumulation in the formation is discussed by means of a 2-D model in the case of opening faults.Results show that the injection amount of main fault has influence on the effect of subfault to the accumulation of Upper Guantao Fm.There are three kinds: ①while the injection amount of main fault is much enough, the injection amount of layers adjacent to the subfault is most, and is most favorable to the accumulation of oil in layers which connected with subfault; ②while the injection amount of main fault is average, layers besides subfaults have the accumulation of oil only if they connect with main fault; ③while the injection amount of main fault is less, layers adjacent subfault have little oil, it is not favorable for the accumulation of oil.It is important to explain the oil pool forming concerned with subfaults in Guantao Fm., Feiyant an area.


