Strategies of groundwater resources development and exploitation in deficient water resources of Xiliaohe (Inner Mongolia)
摘要: 西辽河(内蒙古境内)严重缺水区位于内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗—库伦旗一带。在地表水严重匮乏的干旱、半干旱地区,地下水一直是该区工业生产、城镇居民生活及农村人畜用水的主要水源,合理开发利用十分重要。通过研究地下水资源的分布特点及开发利用条件,分析地下水资源供需平衡及用水现状,提出合理开发利用地下水资源存在的主要问题及相应的对策与建议。研究表明,只有查明地下水储量,对地下水实行统一规划,统一管理,防止水污染,提倡节约用水,积极推行地表水和地下水联合调度,才能合理开发利用地下水资源。Abstract: Xiliaohe (Inner Mongolia),which lies Wengniute-Kulun county of Inner Mongolia south-east,is in deficient water resources.Groundwater always is main water headspring of industry and living in this area,and the exploitation of this groundwater has significance.Through the study on distribution characters and exploiting conditions of groundwater and the balance of supply and demand of groundwater,the article puts forward problems and relating polices and advices that lies in the exploitation of groundwater resources.Only on the condition that we ascertain reserve of groundwater,mark out and regulate unitedly,prevent water pollution,call for saving water,suggest uni-calling between surface water and groundwater positively,can we exploit and use groundwater rationally.