Client/server model WebGIS architecture technology
摘要: 针对客户端/服务器(C/S)模式下三层体系构建原理以及地学空间数据库网络发布(WebGIS)特点,以MapGuide空间数据库引擎为核心,分析了嵌入式WebGIS功能接口和事件响应机理。提出了空间数据库与关系型数据库两大引擎之间实现互动链接的有效技术措施,从而弥补了MapGuideViewer插件赖以支持的MWF格式在专业属性数据操作方面的先天性不足。以青海地调院局域网建设实例为基础,详细阐述了C/S模式下青海省基础地学数据库网络框架建设的实现途径。该技术的成功运用,无疑拓宽了青海省地学数字化成果的共享应用渠道,提高了成果的再利用价值。Abstract: This article aims at the theory of setting up the three-layer structure under the C/S Model and the characteristic of publishing spatial geographical database on the network (WebG IS),which is mainly based on Map Guide spatial data base jet,analyzing the functions in terface and the mechanism of event response that are embedded in WebG IS.This article suggests the effective technical measures to link the spatial data base and the relative data base,thus offsetting the weakness of MWF's (file format) operation in the Map Guide Viewer plug-in's attribute.The article describes in details the processes of setting up the in tranet structure of basic geographical database under the C/S Model in Qinghai Geological Survey Institute.The success of this technique has widened the sharing of digital geographical data and results with in the Qinghai province and increa ses the reuse value of the results.