ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Pilot study on current situation and protection of ecological environment in Aqike valley, east extended area of Lop Nur, Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 阿其克谷地是罗布泊洼地的东延部分。对谷地内生态地质环境的气候环境、水环境、土壤环境和生物环境4个主要因子的调查表明:谷地内气候极端恶劣,属于极端干旱的温带和暖温带大陆性气候;水资源极度匮乏,以地下水为主;土壤类型有石膏棕漠土、盐土和流动风沙土3类,一般没有什么肥力潜力;生物物种贫乏,以超旱生和耐盐生的荒漠群落为主。当前,人类活动对谷内生态环境的影响主要为采矿、旅游、盗猎、放牧等活动。最后提出了树立全局观念,限制人类活动,建立生态环境保护区和水资源开发与涵养并举等生态环境保护建议。


      Abstract: Aqike valley is the east extended area of Lop Nur, Xinjiang. The investigation to ecological environment in Aqike valley including climate environment, water environment, soil environment and biology environment indicate some characteristic as follows. The weather in valley is extreme bad, belonging to typically variable zone and warm temperate zone continental climate. The water resources are very deficient, by ground water primarily, agrotype has brown desert soil, saline soil and flowing aeolian sandy soil,and all of them with hardly fertility potential commonly;biological species is sparsely,based on xenophile and halophyte hungriness community.Currently,impact of human activities on ecological environmentin valley are mining, tour, steal-hunting and brow se.Some advice, such as setting up overall conception, confining human activities, establishing ecological environment protection areas, paying equal attention to exploitation and maintenance of water resources, on protecting ecological environment in the valley are put forward finally.


