Natural environment types and environment characteristics in Northwest China
摘要: 自然环境区划是国土规划的重要基础,是自然环境综合特征的基本反映。以西北地区的气候分区、地貌分区、植被分区(生态分区)为基础,将西北地区的自然环境类型划分为5个自然分区:阿尔泰—准噶尔区,塔克拉玛干—毛乌素沙漠区,青藏高原东北缘区,黄土高原区,秦巴山地与汉水谷地区。这5个区有完全不同的自然环境特征和资源优势特征,因而开发对策和环境对策是不同的,应予以分别对待。正确认识各区的自然环境特征,才能实现西北地区社会经济及环境的可持续发展。Abstract: As the basement of territory plot,the natural environment subarea is a basic reflection of natural environment s compositive character. Based on climate subarea and geomorphology subarea and vegetation subarea (ecologic subarea )in Northweset China, it can be divided into five natural subareas: Altay-Junggar, Taklimakan-Mu Us, northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, loessial plateau and Qin ba mountains-Hanshui river valley.There are entive different in characters of environment and resource superiority among these five different subareas.So,these areas should be given different treatment in the counterm easure of exploitation and environment.Only exactly comprehend to natural environment characteristics of different subareas,a sustainable development of enconomy and environment can be achieved in Northwest China.