ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Fluid Inclusion in Xiajiadian Gold Deposit, Shaanxi Province

    • 摘要: 夏家店金矿是在东秦岭震旦系与寒武系界面新发现和勘查的金矿床,主要为含金角砾岩型.研究认为夏家店金矿的硅化与区内的断裂构造期次关系紧密.矿石矿物中石英流体包裹体的成分富含Cl-和SO42-;成矿流体体系属CO2-H2O-XCl-XSO4(X代表阳离子)型.成矿温度有两个峰值,其一为240~360℃,集中于240~280℃;其二为120~240℃,集中于180~220℃,两期蚀变特征相协调.氢氧同位素组成反映了成矿流体主体是来自于富δ18OH2O的变质水.


      Abstract: The Xiajiadian gold deposit is a newly-discovered ore deposit occurring in the contact between Sinian and Cambrian strata. The major ore type is gold-bearing breccia. Also, the silicification relating to the goldm ineralization is closely related to the regionalmulti-phased faulting. This paper discusses the processes of mineralization for the deposit through study of fluid inclusion in minerals and O and H isotopes geochem istry. The fluid inclusion contents in quartz of ore-forming minerals are rich in Cl- and SO42- ,and the ore-forming fluid belong to CO2-H2O-XCl-XSO4 (Xmeans positiveion). The inclusion composition reflects that orogenic processes provided ore-forming fluids for the gold mineralization. H and O isotopic com position shows that ore forming fluid is metam orphic water rich in δ18OH2O.


