Application of Remote Sensing in Detailed Survey of Geological Hazards in Loess Plateau
摘要: 黄土高原区地质灾害频发,危害严重,在延安市宝塔区地质灾害详细调查试点中,选用高分辨率的Spot5和快鸟卫星(QuickBird)数据,进行了地质灾害解译与信息提取,获取了丰富的地质环境条件和地质灾害以及承载体信息,为开展地质灾害野外调查提供了基础资料,发挥了遥感技术的先导作用.笔者从遥感调查的内容、数据选择和处理、解译技术方法、地质灾害信息提取、解译及解译效果等方面论述了遥感技术在宝塔区地质灾害详细调查中的应用,认为该技术方法和本次所取得的经验可以在黄土高原区地质灾害详细调查中推广和应用.Abstract: Geological hazards are frequent and dangerous in loess plateau regions. During the detailed survey of geological hazards in the Baota district of Yan'an City, high-resolution data sets of Spot-5 and QuickBird were selected to extract the necessary information for further interpretation. Abundant informa-tion on geological environ ment and hazards was obtained, which provides basicdat a for field investigation with full advantage of remote sensing as a first screening tool. In this paper, we discuss the application of remote sensing in the detailed survey of geological hazards in the Baota district from several aspects, including contents of the survey;data selection, processing and interpret ation;extraction of useful information from existing data;and effectiveness and usefulness of the methodology. The technical approach and insight sgained from this study can be extended to other loess plateau regions with frequent geological hazards.