ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The Present Situation of Chromium Resources and Prospecting Direction in China

    • 摘要: 我国铬矿资源贫乏,具有区域分布差异明显、矿床规模小、分布零散、矿床成因类型单一以及冶金级矿石所占比例不高的特点.上述特点造成我国当前铬矿资源形势非常严峻,一方面探明储量逐年减少,将面临枯竭的危险,另一方面铬铁合金的产量逐年增加,但铬铁矿产量却难以满足国内市场的需求,只能不断增加进口来缓解市场压力.因此,为了摆脱当前的不利局面,今后我国铬铁矿的找矿方向包括:①找寻新的铬铁矿产地.②探究新的铬铁矿类型.③加强已知铬铁矿的外围以及深部的找矿.④利用新技术新方法的进行间接找矿.⑤深入开展成矿理论的研究,为找矿以及成矿潜力评价提供指导.


      Abstract: In China the chromium resource is short and is characterized by not evenly distributed,small in ore body,singular in origin,and so on.These characteristics causes the serious situation of chromium resource that 1)the reserves keeps decreasing and will become exhausted;and 2)the out put of ferrochromium keeps increasing,making the chromites be not able to meet the demand,leading to anincrease in import of chromites.In order to get out of this disadvan tageous situation,the prospecting direction includes 1)to look for new chromites deposits;2)to research in to new types of chromites;3)to reinforce the chromites prospect in the area surrounding the known deposit and to ward the depth;4)to apply new technology and method to indirectly look for chromites deposits;and 5)to study in detail the metallogenic theory to guide prospecting and metallogenic potentia levaluation.


