ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Application Progress of High Precision Aero-Magnetic Survey of 1:50000 Scale in High-and-Cold and Dissected Mountain Regions in Xinjiang,China

    • 摘要: 新疆西天山、昆仑—阿尔金等地区大多为高寒山区,地形切割强烈,比高大,开展了1:100万航磁测量,并获得了丰富的磁异常信息,是新疆寻找磁性矿产的主要地区之一。限于航空磁测规范要求一直为1:5万航磁的禁区,加上地面磁测困难,影响了磁测作用的发挥。在大量正演模拟的基础上,选择典型矿床开展了不同飞行高度的对比飞行,异常显示清晰。在当前磁测仪器发展和磁补偿技术和定位精度极大提高的基础上,选择西天山、昆仑—阿尔金等不同地貌景观、不同成矿地质背景和地球物理条件区进行测量,已完成测量面积7万km2,揭示的磁场特征清晰,背景干扰小,局部异常明显,地面磁测、矿产勘查成果与航磁成果对应性好,说明较大飞行高度大中比例尺航磁在深切割山区工作的有效性。为西部地区开展上述工作积累了经验,建议在当前技术经济条件下值得推广使用。


      Abstract: Most of the west Tianshan and Kunlun-Aerjin mountains are high-and-cold regions,with greatly dissected land forms.The aero-magnetic survey of 1:1 000 000 scale has been finished and a great deal of magnetic anomalies obtained,showing that there is a good prospecting potential in mag netic deposits.But according to the Aero-magnetic survey specification,the flig htaltitude of aero-magnetic survey of 1:50 000 scale is less than 250 mabove the ground,which limitaero-magnetic survey of larger scale such as 1:50 000 to be executed.In order to promote the application of 1:50 000 aero-magnetics in these regions, first some direct problems were calculated according to classical deposit models of different depths and scales,and some practical survey were executed in 3 classicaliron deposits in differentaltitudes so that the results support the execution of 1:50000 aero-magnetics in these regions.The 1:50000 aero-magnetic survey were executed in 3 different geological,geophysical,and geography districts.The results show that there are clear magnetic field character istics,lower backg round changes,and obvious local anomalies under the high magnetic survey precision.


