The Qimantage area lied in east Kunlun Fe-Pb-Zn-Cu-Co-Au-W-Sn polymetallic and saltdeposits belt.As limited by higher altitude,lower temperature,lack of oxygen and other poor natural conditions,there ore exploration has little been done in the past.But in Qinghai province,some new ore deposits have been found since 2000.Recently,as the more supports obtainded from government,the more geology research works and ore deposit exploring works have been done.Followed by a series of large or giantore deposits has been explored,such as Baiganhu W-Sn ore deposit,Dimunalike Fe ore deposit and Weibao Pb-Zn ore deposit,now in this area there has been a large cluster of ferrous and in-ferrous (such as Fe,Cu,Pb,Zn,W,Sn) mineral deposits,and a hot spot of ore deposit exploring has come into existence.And it would be an important metal resource reservoir,if more exploring and research works have been done and more funds have been obtained.Here,based on geological,geophysical and geo chemical characteristics of thebelt,the metallogenic regularity of Yaziquan-Weibao beltis preliminarily studied,characteristics of geneses of ore deposits are compared and disting uished,and a regional metallogenetic model is pointedout.