Exploration Progress Around Dimnalic Iron Deposit in Qiemo County,Xinjiang
摘要: 新疆且末县迪木那里克铁矿床位于阿尔金山南缘大断裂东南侧。通过大量的野外地质工作和室内分析,发现矿体严格受地层控制,产于长沙沟构造蛇绿混杂岩带之中,赋矿岩石以千枚岩为主,属于沉积变质型磁铁矿矿床。初步确定矿区存在一个大的向斜构造,已对主矿体(Fe36、Fe37)进行了工程控制,新增资源量3003万t。矿体向深部和外围的延伸情况还未完全控制,而且矿区外围存在大量航磁异常有待进一步查证。说明该矿找矿潜力巨大。Abstract: The geological exploration project from Xinjiang geological exploration found preliminarily set up that there might exist a large synclinal structure and the amount of mineral resources has been increased; a new surface magnetic anomaly has been delineated around the area and there occurs limestone,phyllite,and pyrite-bearing phyllite which is characterized as the roof of Dimunalike iron deposit,with nearly horizontal occurrence,where it might exist magnetite-bearing beds and might have prospects for iron ore resources.