ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The Geological Hazard Characteristics and Exploration Ideas of the Bailong River Basin

    • 摘要: 白龙江流域地处青藏高原向黄土高原过渡的斜坡急剧变形带,是我国泥石流、滑坡灾害最为严重的地区之一."8.8"舟曲泥石流灾难的发生,再次暴露了对地质灾害调查研究程度不高,预警预报能力低,以及风险减缓措施不力的弊端.为了避免类似群死群伤重大地质灾害的发生,应进一步加强调查和研究等基础工作.进一步勘查的思路是:首先是对迭部、舟曲、宕昌、武都、文县、康县等6各县,按照《1:5万滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害调查规范》要求,全面开展调查;二是对危及县城、集镇、重要居民点的地质灾害隐患点,按照规划前期勘查的精度要求,逐一进行勘查;三是针对不同类型的地质灾害发育分布规律、形成机理、成灾模式、监测预警技术、风险减缓措施等问题开展专题研究.


      Abstract: Bailong river basin is located in the sharp slope deformation zone of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau transition to Loess Plateau,and it's one of the most serious debris flow and landslide hazards region in our country.The "8.8" debris flow's occurrence in Zhouqu county exposed the extent of the geological hazards research is low,the forecasting and warning capacity is low,the risk mitigation measures is inadequate.In order to avoid similar serious geological hazards,we should further strengthen the basis of investigation and research work.The ideas of further exploration: firstly,carry out a comprehensive investigation on Diebu,Zhouqu,Dangchang,Wudu,Wenxian,Kangxian county accordance with the "specification of investigation for landslide,collapse and debris flow(1:50000)" requirements.Secondly,carry out one by one investigation for the potential points which threat county,town and major settlements accordance with the requirements of accuracy of pre-survey planning.Thirdly,carry out monographic research on the different geological hazard formation mechanism,disaster mode,monitoring and early warning,risk mitigation measures and other issues.


