Celestine deposit of Dafeng mountain is located in northwestern of Qaidam Basin,it is composed of Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ four deposits, and ore-formation is Shizigou group of the Pliocene in Tertiary strata, with seam-bit of unstable ore, ore body mostly by thin-bedded, lens-shaped or lenticular produced in carbon-bearing calcareous mudstone, and ore mainly for celestite, strontianite, etc. The EW, NEE secondary faults and the compound anticline with relieve minor axis strictly controlled the celestite ore output patterns in the Dafeng mountain ore area. Strontium-containing material source of mineralization is with multi-source in the area. On the one hand, water with strontium of the surrounding mountains is the main supplying source; on the other hand, water with oil fields of strontium-rich is supplying source too. In addition, brine with strontium in the deep crust plays an important role as supplying source; Genesis have the characteristics by continental lake chemical deposition-hydrothermal sedimentary superimposed transformation type in the Dafeng mountain area.