Mesozoic Tectono-Magmatic-Mineralization and CopperiGold Polymetallic Ore Prospecting Research in East Kunlun Metallogenic Belt in Qinghai
摘要: 东昆仑成矿带主要经历了元古宙、早古生代、晚古生代和中生代四个发展期或构造旋回期.其中,中生代构造-岩浆-成矿活动对区域铜金多金属大规模成矿具有重要作用.以区域性深大断裂控矿为主线,研究分析青海东昆仑构造-岩浆-成矿作用与主要矿产分布特征,探讨区域成矿规律及大型-超大型矿床的形成条件,提出了岩浆热液型铜金多金属矿床的勘查思路与找矿方向.Abstract: East Kunlun metallogenic belt has mainly undergone four developing period or tectonic cycles: Proterozoic,Early Paleozoic,Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic.Mesozoic tectono-.magmatic-metallogenic activity plays an important role on regional copper-gold polymetalIic large.-scale metallogeny.Based on the ore-controlling of regional abyssal fault as the main line,it has researched East Kunlun tectono-magmaticmineralization in Qinghai and main minerals distribution characteristics,discussed the regional metallogenic regularity and the formation conditions of large-superlarge mineral deposits,and suggested exploration ideas and prospecting orientations of the magmatic hydrothermal type copper-gold polymetallic deposit.
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