Halaqi region is located in Southwest Tianshan-Northwest Tarim Basin. It's the front region of collision between Tarim Block and Kazakhstan-Siberia Block. Cambrian-Permian strata with slight metamorphism outcropped in this area, where we discover three unconformity surfaces, namely angular unconformity in Permian-Cenozoic, parallel unconformity in Ordovician-Silurian and parallel unconformity in Devonian-Carboniferous. The unconformity is bordered by A'erpaqueyiqieke vault anticlinorium. The sedimentary environment on both sides of Silurian-Permian is greatly different. The metamorphism in Ordovician and Cambrian composed of anticline is different from that of overlying strata. According to regional geology and evolution, the parallel unconformity in Ordovician-Silurian was corresponding to the regional Qilian Movement. The parallel unconformity in Devonian-Carboniferous was corresponding to the middle Tianshan Movement. The angular unconformity in Permian-Cenozoic was influenced by the end of Tianshan Movement.