ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    The Types of Rare and Disperse Scandium Deposits and Prospecting Potential

    • 摘要: Sc是一种典型的稀散元素,常类质同象进入镁铁质矿物中。自然界中罕见钪的富集体。Sc主要是从铝土矿、钛铁矿、磷块岩、黑钨矿、锡石等矿石中作为伴生元素加以回收。近几年,随着对复杂硅酸盐矿物Sc浸出试验的研究,Sc元素也可从富Sc的基性-超基性岩体(Sc2O3>50×10-6)中提取。主要富Sc矿物有单斜辉石、角闪石。云南二台坡岩体源区可能具有富Sc的特性,在岩浆结晶早期大量进入镁铁质硅酸盐矿物,形成钪的独立矿床(Sc2O3=66.08×10-6)。这类矿床在国内外还属首例,其发现扩大了独立钪矿床类型,对寻找新型钪矿具有重要的指导意义。


      Abstract: Scandium is a typical rare and disperse element, and distributes widely in trace amounts in rocks consisting of ferromagnesian minerals. Scandium-concentrated ores are rare in nature, thus the scandium was mainly recovered as a by-product from the ores of monohydrallite, ilmenite, phosphorite, wolframite, tinstone etc. Recently, with the analysis and study on the enrichment experiment of the complex silicate mineral containing scandium, scandium can be extracted from mafic-ultramafic scandium-rich ore bodies containing scandium oxide more than 50×10-6. The ores of scandium are mainly consisted of clinopyroxene, amphibole. The origin of Ertaipo intrusion is of high scandium, which enters the ferromagnesian minerals during the early fractional crystallization largely to form the new independent deposit, whose Sc2O3 is equal to 66.08×10-6. This kind of deposit is firstly discovered at home and abroad, enlarging the new types of independent deposit and having great significance to the prospecting of Scandium deposit.


