Research on Comprehensive Prospecting Model in Concealed Poly-metallic Ore Exploration in Baogedewula
摘要: 研究区属得尔布干成矿带,是区域地质、地球物理和地球化学所确定的银铅锌等多金属矿的在成矿有利远景区.由于第四系覆盖严重,对地质、化探找矿带来较多不利影响,笔者以宝格德乌拉地区隐伏多金属矿勘探为例,沿综合物探方法研究与应用这一主线,并结合地质、化探阶段性成果,摸索出一套在该区行之有效的热液型隐伏多金属矿的综合找矿模式,用以指导该区深入开展找矿工作,并归纳总结出了其地质-地球物理-地球化学模型,为相近成矿条件地区的找矿工作提供借鉴.Abstract: Identified by regional geology, geophysics and geochemistry, the study area located in Derbugan ore-forming belt is a favorable prospecting area for silver, lead and zinc poly-metallic deposit. Seriously covered quaternary system in the research area has caused great difficulties for geological and geochemical prospecting. Referring to the research and application of integrated geophysical methods, and combined with periodical geological and geochemical achievement, this article focused on ore exploration in Bogdewula concealed poly-metallic deposit, established a set of effective comprehensive prospecting model for hydrothermal concealed poly-metallic ore in this area, and summarized its model of geology-geophysics-geochemistry for ore prospecting with similar ore-forming conditions.