ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    • 中文核心期刊
    • CSCD收录期刊
    • 中国科技核心期刊
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丁高明, 卢树东, 祁小军, 张永强, 闫常魁, 李帅

丁高明, 卢树东, 祁小军, 等. 西秦岭小沟里金矿、三洋坝金矿成矿环境演化与成矿模式探讨[J]. 西北地质, 2015, 48(4): 160-167.
引用本文: 丁高明, 卢树东, 祁小军, 等. 西秦岭小沟里金矿、三洋坝金矿成矿环境演化与成矿模式探讨[J]. 西北地质, 2015, 48(4): 160-167.
DING Gaoming, LU Shudong, QI Xiaojun, et al. Mineralization Environment Evolution and Metallogentic Model of Xiaogouli and Sanyangba Gold Deposits in Western Qinling[J]. Northwestern Geology, 2015, 48(4): 160-167.
Citation: DING Gaoming, LU Shudong, QI Xiaojun, et al. Mineralization Environment Evolution and Metallogentic Model of Xiaogouli and Sanyangba Gold Deposits in Western Qinling[J]. Northwestern Geology, 2015, 48(4): 160-167.


Mineralization Environment Evolution and Metallogentic Model of Xiaogouli and Sanyangba Gold Deposits in Western Qinling

  • 摘要: 西秦岭小沟里金矿、三洋坝金矿位于徽成盆地西成铅锌矿田中西部。在前人研究资料的基础上,对这2个矿区的地层、构造、岩浆岩的成矿环境、演化过程进行了系统整理和分析,总结出矿床的成矿模式。矿区金矿体赋存于以绿泥绢云千枚岩为主的中泥盆统西汉水组上段(D2x2-3)第三岩性层中,为燕山早期的沉积变质-岩浆期后热液叠加改造的变质热液矿床,成矿期经历了徽成盆地闭合、隆升、造山期,对应于秦岭造山带碰撞造山、陆内推覆剪切构造演化阶段。矿体整体上顺地层产出,并受一套中酸性、钙碱性层状花岗斑岩脉及其上下盘北西西向挤压韧性构造带的复合控制。在陆内推覆剪切、压扭作用的大构造环境下,赋矿地层及矿体在走向和倾向上呈舒缓波状。受后期张、剪性构造的改造,矿体增厚,Au品位增高。本次研究为西成盆地成矿规律研究提供基础研究资料,为矿山企业下一步找矿方向以及外围资源整合提供理论参考和依据。
    Abstract: Xiaogouli and Sanyangba gold deposits of western Qinling are located at the mid-western of XichengPb-Zn ore-field, Huicheng Basin. Based on the previous research data, the mineralization environment evolution of these two deposits has been analyzed and studied inthis paper systematically, including stratum, structure and granitic magma. And then, the metallogenetic model has been summarized. For these two gold deposits, the ore bodies are occurred in the upper section of the Xihanshui Formation in the middle Devonian that dominate by chlorite sericitephyllite. And these two deposits are metamorphic hydrothermal deposits caused by early sedimentary metamorphism and magmatic hydrothermal superimposed transformation inearly Yanshan period. The mineralization period had experienced the closure, uplift and orogenic stages of the Huicheng basin, which are consistent with the tectonic evolution stages of collisional orogeny and continental thrust in the Qinling Mountains orogenic belt.On the whole, the ore bodies are distributed along the stratum,and are controlled jointly by a set of intermediate-acid and calcium-alkalinestratiform granite porphyry, as well as the NW-trending ductile structure zone. In the tectonic environment of intra-continental thrust and pressure torsion, the ore-bearing strata and ore bodies show slightly wavelikein strike and dip. By the reconstruction of the late extensional and shear structures, the ore bodiesare thickening and the gold grade is increased.This paper provide geological basis for studying the mineralization regularity of Huicheng basin, and the resource integration of mine periphery for mine enterprise.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-03-31
  • 修回日期:  2015-06-28
  • 发布日期:  2015-12-04


