ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊



    • 中文核心期刊
    • CSCD收录期刊
    • 中国科技核心期刊
    • Scopus收录期刊


郭洪方, 王忠江, 仲米山, 翟富荣, 梁有为

郭洪方, 王忠江, 仲米山, 等. 辽河群的变形作用和变质作用[J]. 西北地质, 2016, 49(1): 69-81.
引用本文: 郭洪方, 王忠江, 仲米山, 等. 辽河群的变形作用和变质作用[J]. 西北地质, 2016, 49(1): 69-81.
GUO Hongfang, WANG Zhongjiang, ZHONG Mishan, et al. Deformation and Metamorphism of Liaohe Group[J]. Northwestern Geology, 2016, 49(1): 69-81.
Citation: GUO Hongfang, WANG Zhongjiang, ZHONG Mishan, et al. Deformation and Metamorphism of Liaohe Group[J]. Northwestern Geology, 2016, 49(1): 69-81.


Deformation and Metamorphism of Liaohe Group

  • 摘要: 比较详细地讨论了辽河群的变形作用和变质作用,以及二者之间的关系,并比较详细地讨论了变质相系、变质带的分布和划分依据,还对变质作用P-T-t轨迹特征进行了初步探讨.初浅认识是:辽河群是在收缩体制下,古元古洋中的火山沉积岩系俯冲到地下深处发生变质和变形的,二者属同一热动力过程.现在所见到的构造形迹被认为是在同一动力作用下递进变形过程的最终状态;辽河群是层状无序的变质构造单元,只有摒弃原来按层序地层学建的"组",重新按岩性填图才能显现辽河群的固有面貌.
    Abstract: In this paper, the deformation and metamorphism of Liaohe Group and their relation have been discussed in detail. And then, the metamorphic facies, the distribution and dividing basis of metamorphic belt have been analyzed carefully. Meanwhile, the P-T-t locus characteristic of metamorphism has been investigated initially. The results show that, the metamorphism and deformation of Liaohe Group were happened under the compression system when the volcanic sedimentary series of paleoproterozoic ocean were subducted into the depths of the earth, and both of them belongs to the same thermodynamic process. Now, all existing tectonic phenomena can be considered to the final state of progressive deformation process under the same dynamic action. The Liaohe Group is a layered disorderly metamorphic tectonic unit. Only to instead of the original "Formation" that according to the sequence stratigraphy, the inherent features of Liaohe Group can be shown by using the lithologic mapping.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-02-20
  • 修回日期:  2015-06-09
  • 发布日期:  2016-03-04


