Discussion on Geochemical Anomalies and Ore-Prospecting Direction of Suwushijie Area in Middle Altyn
摘要: 笔者通过化探数据简要介绍了阿尔金中段苏吾什杰地区39种地球化学元素分布特征。在分析化探异常的基础上,探讨了该地区主要成矿类型和主要找矿方向。金属矿方面,主要是寻找与火山岩有关的块状硫化物铜多金属矿、与奥陶纪超基性-基性杂岩有关的铜镍矿、与早古生代岩浆岩有关的矽卡岩-石英脉型钨锡矿、稀有-稀土矿和构造蚀变岩型金矿;非金属方面,主要寻找白云母矿、石棉矿、玉石矿等。Abstract: Based on the geochemical data of Suwushijie area in Middle Altyn, the distribution characteristics about 39 kinds of geochemical elements have been briefly introduced.After analyzing the geochemical anomalies of this studying area, the main metallogenic types and ore-prospecting direction have been discussed in this paper. Relating to polymetallic deposit, the volcanogenic massive sulfide Cu polymetallic deposits, Cu-Ni deposits related toOrdovician mafic-ultrabasic complex, skarn-quartz vein type W-Sn polymetallic deposits related to early Paleozoic magmatism, rare metallic and REE deposits, as well as Au deposits with tectonic altered rock type will be served as the main ore-prospecting directions. Meanwhile, the muscovite, asbestos and jade deposits will be found in this area as main non-metallic mineral deposits.
- geochemical anomaly /
- metallogenic type /
- ore-prospecting direction /
- Suwushijie
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