The geochemical characteristics of the forest swamp landscape in the Southern Daxinganling Mountains have been analyzed in this paper.According to the landform, water, vegetation and sediment composition, the river-valley system in the forest swamp area has been divided into 8 types.The migration, gathering and distribution of elements under the supergene conditions in the area have been summarized.Pb, As, Sb and Mn elements, as well as some Au and Mo elements are distributed as relatively coarse grain, which are concentrated on -4 to +40 mesh with the probabilities of grain size range from 46% to 71%; But Ag, Cu, Zn, Hg and partially Au elements are mainly distributed in coarse grade, which are concentrate on -4 to +60, with the probabilities of grain size vary from 46% to 60%.Based on the measurement results of stream sediments, the element content and variation coefficient of main geological units have been counted and calculated; the element mean content ratio between each geological unit and sensing area has been calculated.And then, the element distribution, allocation and enrichment characteristics of various geological units have been studied and explained.Finally, the geochemical survey method and the anomaly inspection evaluation techniques have been used in the forest swamp landscape area during carrying out the mineral survey project, and lots of prospecting clues have been verified in the forest swamp landscape area of Southern Daxinganling Mountains.