This paper made systematic studies on kaolin by means of optical microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectrum(XRF), electron probe and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results show that the elutriation rate of kaolin is 71%.Quartz and potash feldspar were enriched as -0.045mm size; Muscovite and kaolinite (halloysite) were enriched as +0.030 mm and -0.045mm size, respectively.After calcinations, the whiteness of each particle size is high, especially in -0.010+0.005mm, with the whiteness reached to 85.69%. Kaolinite, the objective mineral, shows patchy and overlapping shape. Halloysiteshows tubular form. The titanium content of kaolin is 0.051%. However, itsiron content is higher,which reaches 1.009% and mainly exists as the forms of surface iron and lattice iron.