Common Problems and Countermeasures about the Induced Polarization Method Used in Qimantage area, East Kunlun
摘要: 由于东昆仑祁漫塔格地区具有特殊的地形地貌特征,前人在该地区开展激电测量工作时效果并不理想。通过针对性的激电测量方法技术试验及实际应用成果,结合对近年来前人在该地区开展的工作梳理,认为可通过增大发射功率,选择适当的工作参数,以及处理好供电电极及接收电极等方法,改善供电效果与接地条件,解决激电测量效果不好的问题。证明激电测量方法在该地区实际是一种有效的地球物理勘探方法。总结的问题和提出的解决办法,可做为在东昆仑祁漫塔格地区矿产地质调查工作中开展激电测量工作时的参考。Abstract: Because of thespecial terrain and geomorphic characteristics, the predecessors did not achieve good effect in Qimantage area, East Kunlun by using the IP measurements. Thus, the effective experiment of targeted IP measurements methods has been carried out, and the practical application results have been obtained. Combined with the predecessors' achievements of IP measurements in this area in recent years, it's believed that the power supply effect and grounding conditions can be improved by increasing the transmitter power, choosing proper parameters and handing well current electrodes and voltage electrodes.And then, the problem of poor measurement result has been solved, and the IP measurement has been proved as an effective geophysical prospecting method in this area.Some common problems of IP measurement have been summed up, and the related solving methods have been advanced in this paper, which can be used as a reference for using the IP methods in the investigation of geology and mineral resources in Qimantage area of east Kunlun.
- East Kunlun /
- Qimantagearea /
- IP measurement /
- problems /
- countermeasures
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