Study on Geochronology, Rock Genesis and Tectonic Background of Luocheng Granodiorite in Longshou Mountain Tectonic Belt
阿拉善地块龙首山成矿带大地构造位置处于华北板块、祁连造山带及中亚造山带的结合部,其所处构造环境的特殊性对区域构造演化及板块运动有着重大意义。该地区的岩浆演化及构造背景研究较为薄弱,笔者对罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩开展了岩石地球化学和锆石U-Pb定年及Lu-Hf同位素研究工作,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年显示结果为(289±3)Ma(MSWD=0.57),侵位时间为早二叠世。罗城花岗闪长岩为准铝质,钙碱性系列,Mg#值介于0.64~0.66,显示I型花岗岩特征。研究区这些早二叠世花岗闪长岩显示出轻稀土元素相对富集和重稀土元素相对亏损的特征,LREE/HREE值为4.20~5.30,(La/Yb)N为3.69~5.46,并且具有轻微Eu 负异常(δEu:0.80~0.96)。原始地幔标准化图解中,这些样品相对富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Th和K等),亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti和P等),显示俯冲相关的弧岩浆地球化学特征。罗城地区早二叠世侵入岩具有正的εHf(t)值(+4.37 to +6.88)和相对年轻的二阶段模式年龄(T(DMC)=808.6~952.5 Ma)。野外地质特征结合地球化学数据表明罗城花岗闪长岩为壳源岩浆与幔源岩浆发生混合作用的产物。结合区域背景和前言研究数据分析,阿拉善西部龙首山构造带早二叠世时可能还存在与俯冲有关的弧岩浆活动。
Abstract:The geotectonic location of Longshou Mountain Metallogenic Belt of the Alxa Massif is at the junction of the North China Plate, the Qilian Orogenic Belt, and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, and the particularity of the tectonic environment is of great significance to the regional tectonic evolution and plate movement. The magmatic evolution and tectonic background of this area are not well studied. The author has carried out studies on the rock geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating, and Lu-Hf isotope of Luocheng biotite granodiorite. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating shows a value of (289±3)Ma (MSWD=0.57), and the emplacement time of the rock is in the Early Permian. Luocheng Granodiorite is quasi aluminous, calc alkaline series, with Mg# value between 0.64-0.66, showing the characteristics of I-type granite. These early Permian Granodiorite in the study area show the characteristics of relative enrichment of light REE and relative depletion of heavy REE, LREE/HREE ratio was 4.20-5.30, and (La/Yb) N was 3.69-5.46, And it has a slight negative Eu anomaly(δEu: 0.80-0.96). In the standardized diagram of the primitive mantle, In the standardized diagram of the original mantle, these samples are relatively rich in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Th, K, etc.) and depleted in high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Ti, P, etc.), showing the geochemical characteristics of subduction related arc magmas. The early Permian intrusive rocks in the Luocheng area have positive ε The Hf (t) value (+4.37 to+6.88) and the relatively young two-stage mode age (T (DMC)=808.6 to 952.5 Ma). Field geological characteristics and geochemical data show that Luocheng Granodiorite is the product of mixing of crust derived magma and mantle derived magma. Based on the analysis of regional background and foreword research data, it is possible that arc magmatic activity related to subduction existed in the Longshoushan tectonic belt in the western part of Alxa during the Early Permian.
- granodiorite /
- geochemistry /
- Hf isot-opic /
- LongShou Mountain /
- tectonic evolution
研究区南临祁连造山带,北接中亚造山带,其所处构造环境的特殊性对区域构造演化及板块运动有着重大意义。该地区岩浆演化期次及构造背景研究较为薄弱且存在较大争议,前人通过对合黎山地区五坝和张家窑岩体锆石U-Pb年代学及同位素地球化学特征研究,其年龄介于432~397 Ma,为中志留世—早泥盆世,认为阿拉善地块西南缘早古生代很可能受控于祁连造山带的构造演化,处于后碰撞拉伸环境(王增振等,2020);通过对龙首山西山头窑地区三期岩体锆石U-Pb年代学研究,其年龄介于304.3~281.2 Ma,为晚石炭世—早二叠世,处于弧后洋盆闭合过程,是古亚洲洋向南俯冲的结果(董国强等,2022);而强利刚等(2019)认为龙首山地壳在晚古生代处于拉伸的稳定阶段。对合黎山地区岩浆岩形成时代及构造环境研究存在重要意义。龙首山成矿带区内侵入岩发育广泛,主要为酸性、中酸性岩石,主要岩性以花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩等为主(张甲民等,2017),前人对龙首山成矿带的研究工作主要以东段为主,且主要集中在早古生代(牛宇奔等,2018;刘文恒等,2019;王增振等,2020)。而不同构造环境下的侵入岩具有不同的地球化学特征及同位素特征,能有效反映其岩浆源区及构造演化等重要信息。笔者在前人工作基础上对该区花岗闪长岩开展了锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学及Lu-Hf同位素特征的研究,确定该岩体形成时代并探讨这些黑云母花岗闪长岩的成因问题及龙首山成矿带西南缘构造环境特征。
1. 区域地质概况
测区内岩浆岩发育广泛,主要为酸性、中酸性岩石为主,侵入活动主要是在加里东中期及华力西期,以华力西期侵入岩最为发育,主要岩性以花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩等为主,其中以花岗闪长岩出露最为广泛,其次为英云闪长岩。罗城岩体主要为花岗闪长岩发育,其中可见花岗岩、闪长岩呈脉状发育。区内五坝和张家窑岩体锆石U-Pb年代学年龄介于432~397 Ma,为中志留世—早泥盆世(王增振等,2020);西山头窑地区岩体锆石U-Pb年代学年龄介于304.3~281.2 Ma,为晚石炭世—早二叠世。
2. 样品采集及岩石学特征
罗城岩体主要位于甘肃省高台县罗城镇北侧,其岩性主要为黑云母花岗闪长岩,野外岩体出露较为完整,笔者选取了合黎山地区高台县罗城幅的黑云母花岗闪长岩进行锆石U-Pb定年分析,共采集样品5件,其中岩石年龄同位素样品1件,并在岩石年龄同位素样品采集处配套采集岩石地球化学样品4件。样品采集地理坐标:E 99°43′39″,N 39°46′30″和E 99°41′43″,N 39°48′20″。为确保锆石数据准确性,样品均为未风化蚀变的新鲜岩石。
岩石新鲜面为灰白色,具半自形粒状结构,块状构造(图2a)。主要矿物及含量:斜长石(45%),石英(20%),碱性长石(15%),普通角闪石(15%),黑云母(5%)。斜长石粒径约0.30~1.30 mm,呈半形粒状、板状,具聚片双晶,表面浑浊,微裂隙发育,次生绢云母化,均匀分布。碱性长石粒径约0.20~1.10,呈半自形板状,具卡式双晶,少量分布。石英粒径约0.10~2.00 mm,呈他形粒状,波状消光,沿长石粒间分布。普通角闪石粒径约0.20~1.60 mm,呈他形柱状,黄褐色,截面呈菱面体状,具角闪石式解理,绿泥石化,沿长英质粒间定向分布。黑云母粒径约0.15~2.25 mm,呈鳞片状、片状,褐黄色-红褐色,沿长英质粒间定向分布。副矿物有磷灰石、绿帘石(图2b、图2c、图2d)。
3. 样品分析方法
锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素组成分析在中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心岩浆作用成矿与找矿重点实验室完成。锆石U-Pb定年在LA-ICP-MS仪器上用标准测定程序进行,样品采用激光剥蚀等离子体质谱仪原位分析锆石微区的铀铅比值(206Pb/238U、207Pb/235U和207Pb/206Pb)(李艳广等,2015)并通过Glitter计算程序计算锆石的年龄及标准偏差;应用Isoplot(Ludwig, 2003)计算程序对锆石样品的206Pb/238U年龄和207Pb/235U年龄在谐和图上进行投图,并计算谐和年龄测点的加权平均值。
锆石Hf同位素组成运用Neptune型多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪和GeolasPro型激光剥蚀系统联用的方法完成(袁洪林等,2007),所选测试位置均与锆石U-Pb测点位置相近,测试束斑直径为32 μm,采用国际标准锆石91500进行监控和样品外部校正。
表 1 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩主量元素(%)、微量元素(10−6)、稀土元素(10−6)分析结果表Table 1. Analysis results of major elements (%), trace elements (10−6) and rare earth elements (10−6) in Luocheng biotite granodiorite样品编号 LCYT03 LCYT04 LCYT05 LCYT06 SiO2 59.84 58.75 58.52 59.09 Al2O3 16.91 17.25 17.28 17.28 Fe2O3 7.13 7.82 7.55 7.61 CaO 6.33 6.70 6.93 6.68 MgO 3.13 3.38 3.53 3.34 K2O 1.87 1.49 1.49 1.54 Na2O 2.52 2.60 2.55 2.60 P2O5 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.15 TiO2 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.75 MnO 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 LOI 1.03 0.74 0.85 0.60 总和 99.70 99.76 99.75 99.79 K2O+Na2O 4.40 4.09 4.04 4.15 K2O/Na2O 0.74 0.57 0.59 0.59 δ 1.15 1.06 1.05 1.07 A/NK 2.74 2.93 2.98 2.9 A/CNK 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.97 Rb 61.1 49.2 40.6 46.9 Th 3.37 4.58 5.70 8.46 U 0.79 0.72 0.74 0.75 Nb 4.48 4.76 4.64 4.64 Sr 376 429 413 403 Zr 84.3 112 88.6 118 Hf 2.34 2.79 2.23 2.97 F 454 320 663 360 Sn <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 Cr 12.9 17.6 14.1 14.1 Li 16.8 18.3 17.3 17.4 Be 0.76 0.87 0.86 0.79 V 166 186 180 174 Co 15.3 16.2 15.6 15.3 Ni 8.36 10.9 11.2 10.4 Ga 16.6 17.7 16.3 16.4 Cs 2.52 2.92 2.69 3.15 Ta 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.35 W 2.30 1.91 1.81 1.80 Bi 0.073 0.070 <0.050 0.057 La 12.0 14.3 12.5 12.5 Ce 27.1 28.9 25.5 25.7 Pr 3.60 3.59 3.32 3.21 Nd 16.4 15.3 14.6 14.1 Sm 3.91 3.37 3.28 3.14 Eu 1.05 1.07 1.05 1.03 Gd 4.14 3.54 3.49 3.41 Tb 0.66 0.55 0.54 0.52 Dy 4.04 3.28 3.24 3.15 Ho 0.83 0.68 0.67 0.65 Er 2.54 2.03 2.02 1.95 Tm 0.36 0.29 0.29 0.28 Yb 2.33 1.88 1.87 1.84 Lu 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.29 Y 21.3 17.2 16.9 16.4 ΣREE 79.32 79.08 72.67 71.77 LREE 64.06 66.53 60.25 59.68 HREE 15.26 12.55 12.42 12.09 LREE/HREE 4.20 5.30 4.85 4.94 (La/Yb)N 3.69 5.46 4.79 4.87 δEu 0.80 0.95 0.95 0.96 δCe 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.99 4. 分析结果
4.1 锆石U-Pb定年分析
表 2 罗城花岗闪长岩(LCYT01)锆石LA-ICP-MS测年结果Table 2. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating results of Luocheng granodiorite (LCYT01)测点号 含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 同位素年龄 Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 208Pb/232Th ±1δ 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 208Pb/232Th ±1δ LCYT001 15.96 79.28 81.67 0.97 0.05153 0.00423 0.32079 0.02551 0.04511 0.00102 0.01452 0.00048 264.4 177.81 282.5 19.61 284.5 6.28 291.3 9.56 LCYT002 14.25 47.28 72.22 0.65 0.05202 0.0046 0.32939 0.02827 0.04589 0.00108 0.01269 0.00063 286.1 189.7 289.1 21.59 289.2 6.68 255 12.64 LCYT003 12.04 34.81 63.55 0.55 0.0524 0.00697 0.32463 0.04227 0.0449 0.00134 0.01375 0.00088 302.7 277.82 285.5 32.4 283.2 8.26 276.1 17.48 LCYT004 19.92 93.99 98.06 0.96 0.04923 0.00498 0.31772 0.03138 0.04678 0.00114 0.01432 0.00059 158.7 220.85 280.1 24.18 294.7 7.05 287.5 11.7 LCYT005 11.37 41.91 57.97 0.72 0.0517 0.00762 0.33365 0.04817 0.04678 0.00152 0.01611 0.00095 272.2 306.78 292.4 36.67 294.7 9.39 323 18.95 LCYT006 16.79 80.92 85.36 0.95 0.05021 0.00438 0.31261 0.02651 0.04513 0.00103 0.01345 0.00049 204.9 190.68 276.2 20.51 284.6 6.35 270 9.73 LCYT007 27.09 129.66 147.36 0.88 0.05412 0.00356 0.342 0.0216 0.04582 0.00096 0.01384 0.00042 375.8 141.54 298.7 16.34 288.8 5.93 277.8 8.4 LCYT008 12.51 45.55 65.96 0.69 0.05029 0.0043 0.32015 0.0266 0.04616 0.00106 0.01535 0.00062 208.3 187.16 282 20.46 290.9 6.51 307.8 12.31 LCYT009 13.69 45.68 72.34 0.63 0.05153 0.00444 0.33081 0.02763 0.04656 0.00109 0.01519 0.00068 264.4 186.14 290.2 21.08 293.3 6.73 304.7 13.59 LCYT010 12.68 46.02 66.65 0.69 0.05115 0.00472 0.33038 0.0297 0.04685 0.00111 0.01457 0.00063 247.4 199.46 289.9 22.67 295.1 6.83 292.5 12.53 LCYT011 13.09 49.92 68.97 0.72 0.04792 0.00563 0.30937 0.03563 0.04682 0.00122 0.01473 0.00087 94.2 257.92 273.7 27.63 295 7.49 295.6 17.3 LCYT012 12.53 47.8 65.53 0.73 0.0521 0.00482 0.33683 0.03033 0.04689 0.00112 0.01606 0.00063 289.7 198 294.8 23.04 295.4 6.87 322 12.57 LCYT013 18.31 92.71 98.11 0.94 0.05178 0.0039 0.32956 0.02399 0.04618 0.001 0.01362 0.00044 275.6 163.56 289.2 18.32 291 6.19 273.3 8.78 LCYT014 19 93.38 105.35 0.89 0.05329 0.00398 0.3273 0.02358 0.04457 0.00099 0.01433 0.00046 340.9 160.32 287.5 18.04 281.1 6.09 287.6 9.21 LCYT015 15.16 51.53 80.72 0.64 0.04948 0.00412 0.30521 0.02472 0.04476 0.00098 0.01424 0.00055 170.8 183.56 270.5 19.23 282.3 6.06 285.7 11.06 LCYT016 14.01 55.43 76.33 0.73 0.0503 0.00537 0.30848 0.03208 0.04451 0.00118 0.01286 0.00065 209 229.96 273 24.9 280.7 7.27 258.2 12.91 LCYT017 11.3 45.88 60.72 0.76 0.05239 0.00499 0.33231 0.03079 0.04604 0.00115 0.01288 0.0006 302.4 203.45 291.3 23.47 290.1 7.1 258.6 11.9 LCYT018 16.38 73.42 88.24 0.83 0.05321 0.0037 0.3292 0.02201 0.0449 0.00096 0.01409 0.00044 337.7 149.52 289 16.81 283.2 5.92 282.7 8.81 LCYT019 15.81 76.58 80.92 0.95 0.05166 0.00378 0.32813 0.02317 0.0461 0.00099 0.01466 0.00044 270.4 159.18 288.1 17.72 290.6 6.07 294.2 8.75 LCYT020 13.2 53.42 68.41 0.78 0.05023 0.00423 0.31534 0.02582 0.04557 0.00103 0.0151 0.00054 205.7 184.61 278.3 19.93 287.3 6.36 302.9 10.68 LCYT021 10.77 36.85 52.88 0.70 0.05095 0.0044 0.32225 0.02702 0.04592 0.00105 0.01367 0.00064 238.6 187.4 283.6 20.75 289.4 6.46 274.3 12.67 LCYT022 13.95 47.61 68.78 0.69 0.05283 0.00388 0.34372 0.02436 0.04724 0.00102 0.01389 0.00055 321.3 157.94 300 18.41 297.6 6.25 278.8 10.94 LCYT023 23.03 103.73 117.27 0.88 0.05235 0.00313 0.33694 0.01926 0.04673 0.00094 0.01421 0.00041 300.6 130.55 294.9 14.63 294.4 5.77 285.2 8.1 LCYT024 16.81 56.88 85.69 0.66 0.05387 0.00347 0.34195 0.02113 0.04609 0.00095 0.01337 0.00048 365.6 138.52 298.6 15.99 290.5 5.83 268.4 9.65 LCYT025 14.8 67.05 76.38 0.88 0.05203 0.00384 0.33011 0.02359 0.04608 0.00099 0.01419 0.00047 286.8 160.34 289.7 18 290.4 6.11 284.8 9.33 表 3 罗城花岗闪长岩锆石分析点位微量元素(10−6)测试结果Table 3. Test results of trace elements (10−6) at zircon analysis points of Luocheng granodiorite测点号 Nb La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Ta LCYT001 1.10 0.06 8.23 0.05 0.23 0.49 1.28 27.74 0.78 107.27 40.27 181.12 35.88 339.17 66.63 0.28 LCYT002 0.49 0.04 6.69 0.03 2.07 3.33 0.40 11.13 8.82 67.14 26.56 126.02 27.32 290.78 57.98 0.24 LCYT003 0.61 0.00 6.26 0.02 0.49 2.64 0.29 7.43 4.65 45.16 17.35 87.13 19.02 192.36 38.24 0.27 LCYT004 0.63 0.06 9.25 0.08 0.44 0.69 1.15 25.90 3.00 112.88 44.64 196.44 39.56 377.09 71.61 0.26 LCYT005 0.55 0.00 6.42 0.03 1.79 4.98 0.36 8.45 9.99 40.51 19.27 87.53 19.76 189.52 37.30 0.23 LCYT006 0.52 0.01 9.03 0.05 0.63 1.34 0.91 24.92 3.67 102.58 38.80 175.98 35.30 323.64 65.73 0.28 LCYT007 0.46 0.02 17.04 0.11 1.55 2.65 0.85 24.04 6.96 113.49 45.17 206.58 43.34 418.84 82.25 0.41 LCYT008 1.37 0.00 7.31 0.03 1.49 3.08 0.46 10.50 8.69 50.85 20.86 97.32 21.63 218.50 42.57 0.30 LCYT009 0.53 0.04 7.76 0.02 0.67 1.58 0.24 7.99 4.06 43.08 18.56 85.81 19.58 193.52 36.74 0.31 LCYT010 0.65 0.00 7.39 0.03 0.40 1.28 0.24 11.38 3.43 52.67 20.97 98.21 22.28 213.94 42.28 0.26 LCYT011 0.67 0.01 7.65 0.05 0.44 2.14 0.43 11.65 4.08 54.24 22.14 101.02 21.59 221.82 41.65 0.21 LCYT012 0.58 0.24 7.21 0.07 0.73 1.88 0.48 9.62 4.43 51.70 20.95 100.70 22.19 222.33 43.83 0.39 LCYT013 3.01 0.01 9.21 0.08 1.56 2.82 0.95 24.93 3.94 113.56 45.37 198.15 41.36 399.32 71.97 0.38 LCYT014 0.66 0.01 9.65 0.07 1.79 3.63 1.15 28.87 9.60 117.65 44.48 198.85 41.00 392.05 76.11 0.34 LCYT015 0.58 0.00 8.44 0.02 2.16 4.68 0.33 10.50 9.83 52.88 20.95 100.98 22.47 230.32 44.42 0.31 LCYT016 0.74 0.00 7.73 0.04 0.49 1.29 0.40 12.46 4.08 61.43 26.20 120.97 26.57 261.96 52.64 0.38 LCYT017 0.73 0.00 6.93 0.02 0.87 2.13 0.43 12.06 5.04 54.07 23.41 106.05 23.33 232.88 44.25 0.33 LCYT018 0.84 0.01 8.09 0.06 0.57 1.82 0.83 20.89 4.58 92.58 36.57 172.39 35.31 347.52 67.40 0.29 LCYT019 0.61 0.00 8.04 0.06 1.53 3.32 0.97 26.28 7.25 103.33 41.09 175.93 36.48 349.56 66.29 0.23 LCYT020 0.47 0.00 7.31 0.02 1.72 5.06 0.39 14.22 8.78 63.23 24.83 115.49 25.21 238.91 45.30 0.22 LCYT021 0.57 0.01 5.70 0.02 0.69 1.87 0.53 10.94 5.15 53.16 21.38 104.62 22.91 221.56 45.69 0.30 LCYT022 0.53 0.04 6.60 0.03 0.27 1.73 0.46 12.33 3.89 67.24 25.79 122.86 27.12 273.00 52.93 0.28 LCYT023 0.70 0.04 9.56 0.09 0.57 1.92 1.18 27.41 5.00 122.96 49.00 227.37 46.39 456.07 89.13 0.38 LCYT024 1.14 0.04 8.63 0.02 1.85 4.19 0.28 9.30 10.49 48.68 20.06 95.23 20.74 214.10 41.88 0.34 LCYT025 1.12 0.02 7.63 0.07 1.41 2.91 1.04 22.23 4.01 93.47 36.23 160.65 34.00 327.88 65.05 0.25 4.2 锆石Hf同位素特征
0.012222351 ~0.042050552 ,176Lu/177Hf值介于0.00042471 ~0.001378472 ,均小于0.002,说明锆石在形成后具有很少的放射成因Hf的积累。因此,锆石 176Hf/177Hf值可能代表该锆石形成时的176Hf/177Hf值(吴福元等,2007),176Hf/177Hf值介于0.282726048 ~0.282787588 ,εHf(t)值均为正值,介于+4.37~+6.88,平均为+5.6,通过锆石Hf同位素εHf(t)-U-Pb年龄t(Ma)图解(图5a),测点均落在球粒陨石–亏损地幔之间,反映其源区为年轻的幔源组分或新生地壳,Hf同位素一阶段模式年龄T(DM1)分布范围为615.4~703.0 Ma,平均值为660.5 Ma,地壳模式年龄T(DMC)分布范围为808.6~952.5 Ma,平均值为882.8 Ma,地壳模式年龄T(DMC)较集中(图5b)。表 4 黑云母花岗闪长岩锆石Hf同位素分析结果Table 4. Zircon Hf isotope analysis results of biotite granodiorite分析点 t(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf ±2σ Hfi εHf (0) εHf (t) ±1σ T(DM1) T(DMC) ±1σ fLu/Hf LCYT01-01 284.5 0.018558653 0.000625497 0.282772262 0.0000194150 0.282769 0.079994272 6.14162 0.679525 634.4 846.8 0.06673 - 0.9583 LCYT01-02 289.2 0.021350813 0.00072988 0.282742229 0.0000173343 0.282738 - 0.982120012 5.16050 0.606701 676.8 910.5 0.065471 - 0.95134 LCYT01-03 283.2 0.018541903 0.0006332 0.282761526 0.0000162177 0.282758 - 0.299686693 5.73214 0.56762 649.0 871.0 0.062774 - 0.95779 LCYT01-04 294.7 0.022088228 0.000738473 0.282787588 0.0000174089 0.282784 0.621999168 6.88254 0.609311 615.4 808.6 0.063449 - 0.95077 LCYT01-05 294.7 0.016473205 0.000610408 0.282734375 0.0000178101 0.282731 - 1.259864349 5.02445 0.623354 685.4 922.9 0.066228 - 0.95931 LCYT01-06 284.6 0.03087808 0.00103004 0.282748701 0.0000169380 0.282743 - 0.753226632 5.23386 0.59283 673.2 902.5 0.065308 - 0.93133 LCYT01-07 288.8 0.019725731 0.000669661 0.282759209 0.0000166409 0.282756 - 0.381620593 5.76427 0.582432 652.8 873.1 0.063558 - 0.95536 LCYT01-08 290.9 0.025750031 0.000867335 0.282742988 0.0000180678 0.282738 - 0.955258813 5.19757 0.632374 678.1 909.3 0.066791 - 0.94218 LCYT01-09 293.3 0.021818077 0.00074069 0.282752659 0.0000170188 0.282749 - 0.61326993 5.61588 0.595659 662.8 885.4 0.06456 - 0.95062 LCYT01-10 295.1 0.031810315 0.001072333 0.282760072 0.0000185273 0.282754 - 0.35109486 5.85224 0.648455 658.3 872.0 0.067113 - 0.92851 LCYT01-11 295 0.032320695 0.00106083 0.282770029 0.0000187588 0.282764 0.001027859 6.20471 0.656558 644.5 850.3 0.066935 - 0.92928 LCYT01-12 295.4 0.025753941 0.00084072 0.282744619 0.0000195056 0.28274 - 0.897570925 5.35710 0.682698 675.5 902.8 0.068675 - 0.94395 LCYT01-13 291 0.042050552 0.001378472 0.282744602 0.0000188351 0.282737 - 0.898174811 5.15840 0.659227 684.9 911.5 0.069048 - 0.9081 LCYT01-14 281.1 0.025917388 0.000895112 0.282777258 0.0000173229 0.282773 0.256671065 6.19473 0.606302 631.9 840.9 0.064172 - 0.94033 LCYT01-15 282.3 0.012222351 0.00042471 0.282730661 0.0000185893 0.282728 - 1.391186427 4.65946 0.650625 687.1 936.4 0.06705 - 0.97169 LCYT01-16 280.7 0.026071795 0.00089378 0.282726048 0.0000187777 0.282721 - 1.5543273 4.37430 0.65722 701.7 952.5 0.068661 - 0.94041 LCYT01-17 290.1 0.026377494 0.000892334 0.282753361 0.0000177671 0.282749 - 0.588435111 5.54265 0.621848 664.4 887.5 0.065933 - 0.94051 LCYT01-18 283.2 0.024916918 0.000880457 0.282778938 0.0000203212 0.282774 0.316093287 6.30197 0.711244 629.4 835.9 0.068288 - 0.9413 LCYT01-19 290.6 0.018210323 0.000633771 0.282781801 0.0000175364 0.282778 0.417339793 6.60951 0.613775 621.6 822.4 0.063668 - 0.95775 LCYT01-20 287.3 0.01802085 0.000615423 0.282772775 0.0000170572 0.282769 0.098119936 6.22222 0.597003 633.5 843.9 0.06338 - 0.95897 LCYT01-21 289.4 0.020384277 0.000718113 0.282742372 0.0000184710 0.282738 - 0.9770409 5.17215 0.646485 676.4 909.9 0.067032 - 0.95213 LCYT01-22 297.6 0.02594746 0.000881354 0.282760012 0.0000161587 0.282755 - 0.353235735 5.94105 0.565556 655.2 868.5 0.063322 - 0.94124 LCYT01-23 294.4 0.029427132 0.001014853 0.282726672 0.0000206482 0.282721 - 1.532286504 4.66656 0.722688 703.0 944.4 0.071574 - 0.93234 LCYT01-24 290.5 0.018539508 0.000641115 0.282769911 0.0000162977 0.282766 - 0.003162189 6.18517 0.570421 637.8 848.5 0.062508 - 0.95726 LCYT01-25 290.4 0.021881036 0.000749457 0.282741158 0.0000155788 0.282737 - 1.019970646 5.14473 0.545259 678.6 912.3 0.063102 - 0.95004 图 5 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩锆石εHf(t)-t(Ma)图解(a)(据李良等,2018)和地壳模式年龄T(DMC)统计直方图(b)Figure 5. (a)Zircon εHf(t)-t (Ma) diagram (According to LI Liang et al., 2018) and (b) crustal model age T (DMC) statistical histogram (b) of Luocheng biotite granodiorite4.3 主量元素特征
合黎山地区罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩的主量元素分析结果见表1,其SiO2含量介于58.52%~59.84%,Al2O3含量介于16.91%~17.28%。全碱含量Na2O+K2O介于4.04%~4.40%,相对富碱,Na2O含量介于2.52%~2.60%,K2O含量介于1.49%~1.87%,富钠贫钾。里特曼指数δ介于1.05~1.15。根据CIPW标准矿物计算(Le Maitre,1979),石英(Qtz)含量介于18.97%~20.69%,碱性长石(A)含量介于11.6%~14.66%,斜长石(Pl)含量介于47.86%~50.76%,在Q-A-P图解中(图6a),处在花岗闪长岩区域中。SiO2-(Na2O+K2O-CaO)图解(图6b)反应岩石属于钙性系列。SiO2-K2O图解(图6c)反映岩石主体属于钙碱性系列。铝饱和指数A/CNK比较集中,介于0.96~0.97,A/NK介于2.74~2.98,在A/CNK-A/NK图解中(图6d),处在准铝质范围内。
图 6 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩Q-A-P图解(a)(据Streckeisen, 1976)、SiO2-(Na2O+K2O-CaO)图解(b)(据Peccerillo et al., 1976)、SiO2-K2O图解(c)(据Peccerillo et al., 1976)及A/NK-A/CNK图解(d)(据Maniar et al.,1989)Figure 6. (a) Q-A-P diagram of Luocheng biotite granodiorite, (b) SiO2- (Na2O+K2O-CaO) diagram, (c) SiO2-K2O diagram and (d) A/NK-A/CNK diagrams4.4 微量元素特征
5. 讨论
5.1 岩体成岩时代及岩石成因
合黎山地区罗城岩体锆石自形程度好,具有典型的岩浆结晶韵律环带结构(图5),且Th/U值均大于0.4,为典型的岩浆锆石(王新雨等,2023;李平等,2024),其锆石数据谐和度较高,206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(289±3) Ma ,可代表岩浆结晶年龄,因此,合黎山地区罗城岩体形成于早二叠世。
合黎山地区罗城花岗闪长岩Ga含量为16.3×10−6~17.7×10−6,Al2O3含量为16.91%~17.28%,10000Ga/Al值为1.78~1.93,平均为1.84,小于A型花岗岩下限2.6(Whalen et al., 1987),在Zr-10000Ga/Al、Ce-10000Ga/Al、Y-10000Ga/Al图解(图8b、 图8c、图8d)中,罗城岩体均投影在I&S花岗岩区域,在K2O-Na2O图解(图8a)中,罗城岩体均处于I型花岗岩区域。根据岩石主量元素特征可知,罗城花岗闪长岩具有钙碱性、准铝质特征,其A/CNK比较集中,介于0.96~0.97,均小于1.1,与I型花岗岩一致(Chappell et al., 1992;李宏卫等,2021),且P2O5含量与SiO2含量存在负线性关系,与I型花岗岩演化趋势一致(Wolf et al., 1994)。综合判断分析,罗城花岗闪长岩属于结晶分异I型花岗岩。
图 8 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩K2O-Na2O图解(a)及Zr、Ce、Y-10000Ga图解(b、c、d)(据Whalen et al.,1987)Figure 8. (a) K2O-Na2O and (b, c, d) Zr, Ce, Y-10000 Ga diagram of Luocheng biotite granodiorite5.2 岩浆起源及演化特征
I型花岗岩主要来源于板块边缘陆壳下部,可能与地壳岩石的部分熔融(徐克勤等,1982)、交代岩石圈地幔部分熔融(Jiang et al., 2006)等有关,罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩属于钙碱性系列,富集Rb、Th、K等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素,指示岩体具有大陆地壳物质的参与,岩石Nb/Ta=13.25~13.65,平均值为13.52,接近大陆地壳Nb/Ta值(=10~14)。在判断源岩的C/MF-A/MF图解(图9a)中,显示岩体源岩可能为基性岩的部分熔融,岩石δEu值具轻度负异常,在0.80~0.96之间,平均值为0.91,说明在岩浆演化过程中有少量的斜长石分离结晶作用,在δEu-(La/Yb)N图解中(图9b),样品投点均落在了壳源与壳幔混合源花岗岩区域,La/Ta值为35.71~40.86,大于起源于岩石圈地幔或受其混染岩浆La/Ta值的下限25,指示其为幔源或者壳幔混合源(Lassiter et al., 1997)。
罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄T(DMC)分布范围为808.6~952.5 Ma,εHf(t)值介于+4.37~+6.88,通过锆石εHf(t)-U-Pb年龄t(Ma)图解(图7a),测点均落在球粒陨石–亏损地幔之间,反映其源区为年轻的幔源组分或具有新生地壳演化趋势(李金超等,2021)。
在野外工作中,在黑云母花岗闪长岩中发现暗色微细粒包体发育(图10),包体形态可见椭圆状、圆状、透镜状以及不规则状,大小差异较大,包体常具淬冷边,证明岩浆发生混合作用(王德滋等,2008;张建军等,2012);Mg#值可以指示壳源岩浆作用是否有幔源物质的参与,在地幔组分参与时,才能导致熔体的Mg#值大于40(Rapp et al., 1995),岩石MgO含量介于3.13%~3.53%,Mg#值介于0.64~0.66,明显高于40,表明岩体源岩明显具幔源岩浆加入。
5.3 构造背景
图 11 花岗闪长岩构造背景判别Rb-(Y+Nb)(a)、Nb-Y(b)(据Pearce et al., 1984)、Hf-Rb/30-3Ta(c)(据Harris et al., 1986)图解及R1-R2(d)(据Batchelor et al., 1985)图解① 地幔分异花岗岩;② 破坏性活动板块边缘 (板块碰撞前) 花岗岩;③ 板块碰撞后隆起期花岗岩;④ 晚造期花岗岩;⑤ 非造山区花岗岩;⑥ 同碰撞花岗岩;⑦造山期花岗岩Figure 11. Identification of granodiorite structural background (a) Rb-(Y+Nb), (b) Nb-Y, (c) Hf-Rb/30-3Ta and (d) R1-R2 diagram罗城岩体位于龙首山造山带的西南缘大陆边缘活动带和祁连裂谷的发育构成了龙首山成矿带特定的构造环境(王承花,2010)。龙首山地区地壳演化自早古生代至中新生代经历了活动-稳定-再活动-再稳定-又活动的发展阶段,其在晚古生代处于稳定的拉张环境(强利刚等,2019),早古生代祁连造山带经历了北祁连洋向南俯冲,俯冲受阻,转为向北俯冲,引起北祁连岛弧与阿拉善陆块的碰撞,从而形成了一系列火山弧I型花岗岩(夏林圻等,2003;刘文恒等,2019;王增振等,2020)。罗城二叠纪黑云母花岗闪长岩指示其形成环境为岩浆弧,且R1-R2判别图解指示其形成环境为碰撞前消减花岗岩环境,说明在晚古生代该区还存在一期俯冲碰撞活动,与前人对龙首山晚石炭世—早二叠世西山头窑地区岩体处于弧后洋盆闭合过程,是古亚洲洋向南俯冲的结果(董国强等,2022)相吻合,同时与前人认为的北山地区二叠纪时期仍发生的俯冲–增生造山过程延续可至三叠纪(宋东方等,2018)存在相关性,而并非处于拉张稳定发展期(强利刚等,2019)。
6. 结论
(1)通过对罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年得出,岩石锆石结晶年龄为(289±3) Ma ,属于早二叠世,指示了区域上华力西期的强烈构造岩浆事件。
图 5 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩锆石εHf(t)-t(Ma)图解(a)(据李良等,2018)和地壳模式年龄T(DMC)统计直方图(b)
Figure 5. (a)Zircon εHf(t)-t (Ma) diagram (According to LI Liang et al., 2018) and (b) crustal model age T (DMC) statistical histogram (b) of Luocheng biotite granodiorite
图 6 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩Q-A-P图解(a)(据Streckeisen, 1976)、SiO2-(Na2O+K2O-CaO)图解(b)(据Peccerillo et al., 1976)、SiO2-K2O图解(c)(据Peccerillo et al., 1976)及A/NK-A/CNK图解(d)(据Maniar et al.,1989)
Figure 6. (a) Q-A-P diagram of Luocheng biotite granodiorite, (b) SiO2- (Na2O+K2O-CaO) diagram, (c) SiO2-K2O diagram and (d) A/NK-A/CNK diagrams
图 7 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线图(a)(据Taylor et al., 1985)和微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图(b)(据Sun et al., 1989)
Figure 7. (a) Normalized distribution curve of rare earth element chondrites and (b) Primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams of Luocheng biotite granodiorite
图 8 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩K2O-Na2O图解(a)及Zr、Ce、Y-10000Ga图解(b、c、d)(据Whalen et al.,1987)
Figure 8. (a) K2O-Na2O and (b, c, d) Zr, Ce, Y-10000 Ga diagram of Luocheng biotite granodiorite
图 9 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩C/MF-A/MF图解(a)(据Alther et al., 2000)及δEu-(La/Yb)N图解(b)(据王钊飞等,2019)
Figure 9. (a) C/MF-A/MF diagram and (b) δEu-(La/Yb)N diagram of Luocheng biotite granodiorite
图 11 花岗闪长岩构造背景判别Rb-(Y+Nb)(a)、Nb-Y(b)(据Pearce et al., 1984)、Hf-Rb/30-3Ta(c)(据Harris et al., 1986)图解及R1-R2(d)(据Batchelor et al., 1985)图解
① 地幔分异花岗岩;② 破坏性活动板块边缘 (板块碰撞前) 花岗岩;③ 板块碰撞后隆起期花岗岩;④ 晚造期花岗岩;⑤ 非造山区花岗岩;⑥ 同碰撞花岗岩;⑦造山期花岗岩
Figure 11. Identification of granodiorite structural background (a) Rb-(Y+Nb), (b) Nb-Y, (c) Hf-Rb/30-3Ta and (d) R1-R2 diagram
表 1 罗城黑云母花岗闪长岩主量元素(%)、微量元素(10−6)、稀土元素(10−6)分析结果表
Table 1 Analysis results of major elements (%), trace elements (10−6) and rare earth elements (10−6) in Luocheng biotite granodiorite
样品编号 LCYT03 LCYT04 LCYT05 LCYT06 SiO2 59.84 58.75 58.52 59.09 Al2O3 16.91 17.25 17.28 17.28 Fe2O3 7.13 7.82 7.55 7.61 CaO 6.33 6.70 6.93 6.68 MgO 3.13 3.38 3.53 3.34 K2O 1.87 1.49 1.49 1.54 Na2O 2.52 2.60 2.55 2.60 P2O5 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.15 TiO2 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.75 MnO 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 LOI 1.03 0.74 0.85 0.60 总和 99.70 99.76 99.75 99.79 K2O+Na2O 4.40 4.09 4.04 4.15 K2O/Na2O 0.74 0.57 0.59 0.59 δ 1.15 1.06 1.05 1.07 A/NK 2.74 2.93 2.98 2.9 A/CNK 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.97 Rb 61.1 49.2 40.6 46.9 Th 3.37 4.58 5.70 8.46 U 0.79 0.72 0.74 0.75 Nb 4.48 4.76 4.64 4.64 Sr 376 429 413 403 Zr 84.3 112 88.6 118 Hf 2.34 2.79 2.23 2.97 F 454 320 663 360 Sn <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 <1.80 Cr 12.9 17.6 14.1 14.1 Li 16.8 18.3 17.3 17.4 Be 0.76 0.87 0.86 0.79 V 166 186 180 174 Co 15.3 16.2 15.6 15.3 Ni 8.36 10.9 11.2 10.4 Ga 16.6 17.7 16.3 16.4 Cs 2.52 2.92 2.69 3.15 Ta 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.35 W 2.30 1.91 1.81 1.80 Bi 0.073 0.070 <0.050 0.057 La 12.0 14.3 12.5 12.5 Ce 27.1 28.9 25.5 25.7 Pr 3.60 3.59 3.32 3.21 Nd 16.4 15.3 14.6 14.1 Sm 3.91 3.37 3.28 3.14 Eu 1.05 1.07 1.05 1.03 Gd 4.14 3.54 3.49 3.41 Tb 0.66 0.55 0.54 0.52 Dy 4.04 3.28 3.24 3.15 Ho 0.83 0.68 0.67 0.65 Er 2.54 2.03 2.02 1.95 Tm 0.36 0.29 0.29 0.28 Yb 2.33 1.88 1.87 1.84 Lu 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.29 Y 21.3 17.2 16.9 16.4 ΣREE 79.32 79.08 72.67 71.77 LREE 64.06 66.53 60.25 59.68 HREE 15.26 12.55 12.42 12.09 LREE/HREE 4.20 5.30 4.85 4.94 (La/Yb)N 3.69 5.46 4.79 4.87 δEu 0.80 0.95 0.95 0.96 δCe 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.99 表 2 罗城花岗闪长岩(LCYT01)锆石LA-ICP-MS测年结果
Table 2 Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating results of Luocheng granodiorite (LCYT01)
测点号 含量(10−6) Th/U 同位素比值 同位素年龄 Pb Th U 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 208Pb/232Th ±1δ 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 208Pb/232Th ±1δ LCYT001 15.96 79.28 81.67 0.97 0.05153 0.00423 0.32079 0.02551 0.04511 0.00102 0.01452 0.00048 264.4 177.81 282.5 19.61 284.5 6.28 291.3 9.56 LCYT002 14.25 47.28 72.22 0.65 0.05202 0.0046 0.32939 0.02827 0.04589 0.00108 0.01269 0.00063 286.1 189.7 289.1 21.59 289.2 6.68 255 12.64 LCYT003 12.04 34.81 63.55 0.55 0.0524 0.00697 0.32463 0.04227 0.0449 0.00134 0.01375 0.00088 302.7 277.82 285.5 32.4 283.2 8.26 276.1 17.48 LCYT004 19.92 93.99 98.06 0.96 0.04923 0.00498 0.31772 0.03138 0.04678 0.00114 0.01432 0.00059 158.7 220.85 280.1 24.18 294.7 7.05 287.5 11.7 LCYT005 11.37 41.91 57.97 0.72 0.0517 0.00762 0.33365 0.04817 0.04678 0.00152 0.01611 0.00095 272.2 306.78 292.4 36.67 294.7 9.39 323 18.95 LCYT006 16.79 80.92 85.36 0.95 0.05021 0.00438 0.31261 0.02651 0.04513 0.00103 0.01345 0.00049 204.9 190.68 276.2 20.51 284.6 6.35 270 9.73 LCYT007 27.09 129.66 147.36 0.88 0.05412 0.00356 0.342 0.0216 0.04582 0.00096 0.01384 0.00042 375.8 141.54 298.7 16.34 288.8 5.93 277.8 8.4 LCYT008 12.51 45.55 65.96 0.69 0.05029 0.0043 0.32015 0.0266 0.04616 0.00106 0.01535 0.00062 208.3 187.16 282 20.46 290.9 6.51 307.8 12.31 LCYT009 13.69 45.68 72.34 0.63 0.05153 0.00444 0.33081 0.02763 0.04656 0.00109 0.01519 0.00068 264.4 186.14 290.2 21.08 293.3 6.73 304.7 13.59 LCYT010 12.68 46.02 66.65 0.69 0.05115 0.00472 0.33038 0.0297 0.04685 0.00111 0.01457 0.00063 247.4 199.46 289.9 22.67 295.1 6.83 292.5 12.53 LCYT011 13.09 49.92 68.97 0.72 0.04792 0.00563 0.30937 0.03563 0.04682 0.00122 0.01473 0.00087 94.2 257.92 273.7 27.63 295 7.49 295.6 17.3 LCYT012 12.53 47.8 65.53 0.73 0.0521 0.00482 0.33683 0.03033 0.04689 0.00112 0.01606 0.00063 289.7 198 294.8 23.04 295.4 6.87 322 12.57 LCYT013 18.31 92.71 98.11 0.94 0.05178 0.0039 0.32956 0.02399 0.04618 0.001 0.01362 0.00044 275.6 163.56 289.2 18.32 291 6.19 273.3 8.78 LCYT014 19 93.38 105.35 0.89 0.05329 0.00398 0.3273 0.02358 0.04457 0.00099 0.01433 0.00046 340.9 160.32 287.5 18.04 281.1 6.09 287.6 9.21 LCYT015 15.16 51.53 80.72 0.64 0.04948 0.00412 0.30521 0.02472 0.04476 0.00098 0.01424 0.00055 170.8 183.56 270.5 19.23 282.3 6.06 285.7 11.06 LCYT016 14.01 55.43 76.33 0.73 0.0503 0.00537 0.30848 0.03208 0.04451 0.00118 0.01286 0.00065 209 229.96 273 24.9 280.7 7.27 258.2 12.91 LCYT017 11.3 45.88 60.72 0.76 0.05239 0.00499 0.33231 0.03079 0.04604 0.00115 0.01288 0.0006 302.4 203.45 291.3 23.47 290.1 7.1 258.6 11.9 LCYT018 16.38 73.42 88.24 0.83 0.05321 0.0037 0.3292 0.02201 0.0449 0.00096 0.01409 0.00044 337.7 149.52 289 16.81 283.2 5.92 282.7 8.81 LCYT019 15.81 76.58 80.92 0.95 0.05166 0.00378 0.32813 0.02317 0.0461 0.00099 0.01466 0.00044 270.4 159.18 288.1 17.72 290.6 6.07 294.2 8.75 LCYT020 13.2 53.42 68.41 0.78 0.05023 0.00423 0.31534 0.02582 0.04557 0.00103 0.0151 0.00054 205.7 184.61 278.3 19.93 287.3 6.36 302.9 10.68 LCYT021 10.77 36.85 52.88 0.70 0.05095 0.0044 0.32225 0.02702 0.04592 0.00105 0.01367 0.00064 238.6 187.4 283.6 20.75 289.4 6.46 274.3 12.67 LCYT022 13.95 47.61 68.78 0.69 0.05283 0.00388 0.34372 0.02436 0.04724 0.00102 0.01389 0.00055 321.3 157.94 300 18.41 297.6 6.25 278.8 10.94 LCYT023 23.03 103.73 117.27 0.88 0.05235 0.00313 0.33694 0.01926 0.04673 0.00094 0.01421 0.00041 300.6 130.55 294.9 14.63 294.4 5.77 285.2 8.1 LCYT024 16.81 56.88 85.69 0.66 0.05387 0.00347 0.34195 0.02113 0.04609 0.00095 0.01337 0.00048 365.6 138.52 298.6 15.99 290.5 5.83 268.4 9.65 LCYT025 14.8 67.05 76.38 0.88 0.05203 0.00384 0.33011 0.02359 0.04608 0.00099 0.01419 0.00047 286.8 160.34 289.7 18 290.4 6.11 284.8 9.33 表 3 罗城花岗闪长岩锆石分析点位微量元素(10−6)测试结果
Table 3 Test results of trace elements (10−6) at zircon analysis points of Luocheng granodiorite
测点号 Nb La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Ta LCYT001 1.10 0.06 8.23 0.05 0.23 0.49 1.28 27.74 0.78 107.27 40.27 181.12 35.88 339.17 66.63 0.28 LCYT002 0.49 0.04 6.69 0.03 2.07 3.33 0.40 11.13 8.82 67.14 26.56 126.02 27.32 290.78 57.98 0.24 LCYT003 0.61 0.00 6.26 0.02 0.49 2.64 0.29 7.43 4.65 45.16 17.35 87.13 19.02 192.36 38.24 0.27 LCYT004 0.63 0.06 9.25 0.08 0.44 0.69 1.15 25.90 3.00 112.88 44.64 196.44 39.56 377.09 71.61 0.26 LCYT005 0.55 0.00 6.42 0.03 1.79 4.98 0.36 8.45 9.99 40.51 19.27 87.53 19.76 189.52 37.30 0.23 LCYT006 0.52 0.01 9.03 0.05 0.63 1.34 0.91 24.92 3.67 102.58 38.80 175.98 35.30 323.64 65.73 0.28 LCYT007 0.46 0.02 17.04 0.11 1.55 2.65 0.85 24.04 6.96 113.49 45.17 206.58 43.34 418.84 82.25 0.41 LCYT008 1.37 0.00 7.31 0.03 1.49 3.08 0.46 10.50 8.69 50.85 20.86 97.32 21.63 218.50 42.57 0.30 LCYT009 0.53 0.04 7.76 0.02 0.67 1.58 0.24 7.99 4.06 43.08 18.56 85.81 19.58 193.52 36.74 0.31 LCYT010 0.65 0.00 7.39 0.03 0.40 1.28 0.24 11.38 3.43 52.67 20.97 98.21 22.28 213.94 42.28 0.26 LCYT011 0.67 0.01 7.65 0.05 0.44 2.14 0.43 11.65 4.08 54.24 22.14 101.02 21.59 221.82 41.65 0.21 LCYT012 0.58 0.24 7.21 0.07 0.73 1.88 0.48 9.62 4.43 51.70 20.95 100.70 22.19 222.33 43.83 0.39 LCYT013 3.01 0.01 9.21 0.08 1.56 2.82 0.95 24.93 3.94 113.56 45.37 198.15 41.36 399.32 71.97 0.38 LCYT014 0.66 0.01 9.65 0.07 1.79 3.63 1.15 28.87 9.60 117.65 44.48 198.85 41.00 392.05 76.11 0.34 LCYT015 0.58 0.00 8.44 0.02 2.16 4.68 0.33 10.50 9.83 52.88 20.95 100.98 22.47 230.32 44.42 0.31 LCYT016 0.74 0.00 7.73 0.04 0.49 1.29 0.40 12.46 4.08 61.43 26.20 120.97 26.57 261.96 52.64 0.38 LCYT017 0.73 0.00 6.93 0.02 0.87 2.13 0.43 12.06 5.04 54.07 23.41 106.05 23.33 232.88 44.25 0.33 LCYT018 0.84 0.01 8.09 0.06 0.57 1.82 0.83 20.89 4.58 92.58 36.57 172.39 35.31 347.52 67.40 0.29 LCYT019 0.61 0.00 8.04 0.06 1.53 3.32 0.97 26.28 7.25 103.33 41.09 175.93 36.48 349.56 66.29 0.23 LCYT020 0.47 0.00 7.31 0.02 1.72 5.06 0.39 14.22 8.78 63.23 24.83 115.49 25.21 238.91 45.30 0.22 LCYT021 0.57 0.01 5.70 0.02 0.69 1.87 0.53 10.94 5.15 53.16 21.38 104.62 22.91 221.56 45.69 0.30 LCYT022 0.53 0.04 6.60 0.03 0.27 1.73 0.46 12.33 3.89 67.24 25.79 122.86 27.12 273.00 52.93 0.28 LCYT023 0.70 0.04 9.56 0.09 0.57 1.92 1.18 27.41 5.00 122.96 49.00 227.37 46.39 456.07 89.13 0.38 LCYT024 1.14 0.04 8.63 0.02 1.85 4.19 0.28 9.30 10.49 48.68 20.06 95.23 20.74 214.10 41.88 0.34 LCYT025 1.12 0.02 7.63 0.07 1.41 2.91 1.04 22.23 4.01 93.47 36.23 160.65 34.00 327.88 65.05 0.25 表 4 黑云母花岗闪长岩锆石Hf同位素分析结果
Table 4 Zircon Hf isotope analysis results of biotite granodiorite
分析点 t(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf ±2σ Hfi εHf (0) εHf (t) ±1σ T(DM1) T(DMC) ±1σ fLu/Hf LCYT01-01 284.5 0.018558653 0.000625497 0.282772262 0.0000194150 0.282769 0.079994272 6.14162 0.679525 634.4 846.8 0.06673 - 0.9583 LCYT01-02 289.2 0.021350813 0.00072988 0.282742229 0.0000173343 0.282738 - 0.982120012 5.16050 0.606701 676.8 910.5 0.065471 - 0.95134 LCYT01-03 283.2 0.018541903 0.0006332 0.282761526 0.0000162177 0.282758 - 0.299686693 5.73214 0.56762 649.0 871.0 0.062774 - 0.95779 LCYT01-04 294.7 0.022088228 0.000738473 0.282787588 0.0000174089 0.282784 0.621999168 6.88254 0.609311 615.4 808.6 0.063449 - 0.95077 LCYT01-05 294.7 0.016473205 0.000610408 0.282734375 0.0000178101 0.282731 - 1.259864349 5.02445 0.623354 685.4 922.9 0.066228 - 0.95931 LCYT01-06 284.6 0.03087808 0.00103004 0.282748701 0.0000169380 0.282743 - 0.753226632 5.23386 0.59283 673.2 902.5 0.065308 - 0.93133 LCYT01-07 288.8 0.019725731 0.000669661 0.282759209 0.0000166409 0.282756 - 0.381620593 5.76427 0.582432 652.8 873.1 0.063558 - 0.95536 LCYT01-08 290.9 0.025750031 0.000867335 0.282742988 0.0000180678 0.282738 - 0.955258813 5.19757 0.632374 678.1 909.3 0.066791 - 0.94218 LCYT01-09 293.3 0.021818077 0.00074069 0.282752659 0.0000170188 0.282749 - 0.61326993 5.61588 0.595659 662.8 885.4 0.06456 - 0.95062 LCYT01-10 295.1 0.031810315 0.001072333 0.282760072 0.0000185273 0.282754 - 0.35109486 5.85224 0.648455 658.3 872.0 0.067113 - 0.92851 LCYT01-11 295 0.032320695 0.00106083 0.282770029 0.0000187588 0.282764 0.001027859 6.20471 0.656558 644.5 850.3 0.066935 - 0.92928 LCYT01-12 295.4 0.025753941 0.00084072 0.282744619 0.0000195056 0.28274 - 0.897570925 5.35710 0.682698 675.5 902.8 0.068675 - 0.94395 LCYT01-13 291 0.042050552 0.001378472 0.282744602 0.0000188351 0.282737 - 0.898174811 5.15840 0.659227 684.9 911.5 0.069048 - 0.9081 LCYT01-14 281.1 0.025917388 0.000895112 0.282777258 0.0000173229 0.282773 0.256671065 6.19473 0.606302 631.9 840.9 0.064172 - 0.94033 LCYT01-15 282.3 0.012222351 0.00042471 0.282730661 0.0000185893 0.282728 - 1.391186427 4.65946 0.650625 687.1 936.4 0.06705 - 0.97169 LCYT01-16 280.7 0.026071795 0.00089378 0.282726048 0.0000187777 0.282721 - 1.5543273 4.37430 0.65722 701.7 952.5 0.068661 - 0.94041 LCYT01-17 290.1 0.026377494 0.000892334 0.282753361 0.0000177671 0.282749 - 0.588435111 5.54265 0.621848 664.4 887.5 0.065933 - 0.94051 LCYT01-18 283.2 0.024916918 0.000880457 0.282778938 0.0000203212 0.282774 0.316093287 6.30197 0.711244 629.4 835.9 0.068288 - 0.9413 LCYT01-19 290.6 0.018210323 0.000633771 0.282781801 0.0000175364 0.282778 0.417339793 6.60951 0.613775 621.6 822.4 0.063668 - 0.95775 LCYT01-20 287.3 0.01802085 0.000615423 0.282772775 0.0000170572 0.282769 0.098119936 6.22222 0.597003 633.5 843.9 0.06338 - 0.95897 LCYT01-21 289.4 0.020384277 0.000718113 0.282742372 0.0000184710 0.282738 - 0.9770409 5.17215 0.646485 676.4 909.9 0.067032 - 0.95213 LCYT01-22 297.6 0.02594746 0.000881354 0.282760012 0.0000161587 0.282755 - 0.353235735 5.94105 0.565556 655.2 868.5 0.063322 - 0.94124 LCYT01-23 294.4 0.029427132 0.001014853 0.282726672 0.0000206482 0.282721 - 1.532286504 4.66656 0.722688 703.0 944.4 0.071574 - 0.93234 LCYT01-24 290.5 0.018539508 0.000641115 0.282769911 0.0000162977 0.282766 - 0.003162189 6.18517 0.570421 637.8 848.5 0.062508 - 0.95726 LCYT01-25 290.4 0.021881036 0.000749457 0.282741158 0.0000155788 0.282737 - 1.019970646 5.14473 0.545259 678.6 912.3 0.063102 - 0.95004 -
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