ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Study on the Catastrophic Process of Rapid and Long Run-out Landslides Based on DAN-W

    • 摘要: 高速远程滑坡因其突发性、剧烈性、高速性、远程性等特点对人员和财产造成重大危害,是中国最严重的地质灾害类型之一,研究其灾变过程对中国防灾减灾具有重要的意义。DAN-W是基于拉格朗日有限差分法建立的动力模拟方法,反演模拟碎屑流运动过程,更适合高速远程滑坡的模拟分析。笔者以哀牢山地区芭蕉树滑坡为研究对象,研究芭蕉树滑坡的基本特征,利用DAN-W软件建立芭蕉树滑坡的计算模型,分析滑坡的灾变过程,依据滑坡特征考虑滑坡分区和铲刮效应,将滑动路径分为3段:滑源段、铲刮段、堆积段进行模拟计算;结果显示:滑坡前缘最大速度为26 m/s,后缘最大速度为30 m/s,后缘最大速度发生在剪出口位置,最大滑距为420 m,滑动14 s后滑体基本滑离剪出口,至运动30 s时停止滑动。所得结果与实际情况吻合度高。


      Abstract: Rapid and long run-out landslides, one of the most serious geological hazards in China, caused great damage due to its sudden, violent, high speed and long run-out characteristics. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the catastrophic process for prevention and mitigation of the hazard. DAN-W is a dissipative particle dynamics based on Lagrangian finite-difference and inverse simulation of the detrital flow process. This paper studies the characteristics of the Banana-Tree Landslide in Ailao mountain area. DAN-W was used to establish the calculation model and analyze the catastrophe process. The slide path was divided into three segments:sliding source segment, scraper segment and accumulation segment, according to landslide zoning and scraping effect. The results showed that the maximum speed of frontal part was 26m/s, the frontal rear part was 30m/s at the shear exit; the maximum slip distance was 420m, sliding off shear outlet after 14s, and stopped after 30s. The results are consistent with the actual situation.


