ISSN 1009-6248CN 61-1149/P 双月刊





    Regional classification and developing trend of desertification in Northern China

    • 摘要: 中国北方土地荒漠化主要受青藏高原隆升以来形成的构造-沉积特征、水文地质条件、全球气候变化、尤其是亚洲季风等地质背景控制。本文仅对北方沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化两种主要的荒漠化类型的区域地质分布、成因及其发展趋势进行探讨。三北地区沙质荒漠化依成因可分为:就地起沙型、风沙侵入型和土地粗粒化型等。就地起沙型沙质荒漠化主要分布在西部内陆盆地周缘冲洪积扇上,中东部高原、冲积平原上的沙漠边缘地带、沙地内部和流经这些沙漠和沙地的古河道,以及河湖相砂质沉积物和以砂质沉积物为母质的土壤分布区;风沙侵入型沙质荒漠化主要分布在上述沙漠、沙地边缘的下风地带,如巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠的东南缘、毛乌素沙地以南的覆沙黄土区、科尔沁沙地以东的辽河平原等;土地粗化主要分布在西部盆地沙漠与戈壁的过渡地带、中东部高原砾质沙草原。沙质荒漠化在毛乌素、科尔沁和浑善达克等沙地、河西走廊的局部地区有所逆转,但三北地区总体上仍呈恶化趋势,尤其是以地表土壤粗化为主的沙质荒漠化的发展更应引起人们的关注。水蚀荒漠化依地质背景之不同可分为土漠化和岩漠化两类,前者主要分布在北方中部黄土高原地区、内蒙古科尔沁沙地南侧的黄土分布区等;后者主要分布于太行山北部、辽宁西北部的基岩山区。晋陕蒙交界地带、甘肃平凉北部、定西地区和科尔沁沙地东南的蒙辽交界处等地水蚀荒漠化形势严峻;以小流域水土流失为主的治理工程使陕西的吴旗、延安、洛川等地和朝阳河中上游地区水蚀荒漠化有所好转。总之,第四纪以来的构造2沉积特征控制着不同类型荒漠化的区域分布,气候变化和水文地质条件控制着荒漠化的进程,人类不合理的经济活动则更是荒漠化过程的催化剂,尽管在局部、在一定的时间段内可使这一过程得以缓解甚至逆转。


      Abstract: From the geologic point of view,land desertification in Northern China is mainly controlled by geologic backg rounds suchas tectonic-sedimentary characteristics,hydrogeologic conditions,global climatic changes,especially the mon soon currentin East Asia,which were formed since the a scent of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.The regional classification and distribution,formation process and developing trends of sandy and watereroding desertification a rediscu ssed mainly in this paper.Sandy desertification in Northern China could bedivided in to three types,the localized type,the windblown type and the coarsegrained type. Localized sandy desertification is mainly dist ributed in northwest in land basins and alluvial fans a round them,in marginal area saround deserts,in paleo-river channels which flew through deserts,in areas in which fluviatile and lacustrine sandy sedimenta ries are widely spread,and in the areas in which soils are developed on sandy sedimentary materials as well. The windblown type is distributed mainly in the leeward areas at the edge of deserts,such as the south rimdistricts of Badanjilin desert and Tenggerli deserts,sand-covered loess areas at the south of Mu Us Shadi desert,Horqin Shadi and the Liaohe plain.Coarsegra in type desertification is distributed mainly in the transitional areas of deserts and gobi,in sandy grass-land in middle and east plateaus.


